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CobraAC 07-27-1999 08:44 PM

Rear BackupLight
Ok, well I got the rusty bolt off! hehe- But now my problem is, ok, I got the old rear valence off.. But now I cannot figure out how to get the rear backup lights back in through the holes of the valence, is there a place to disconnect them from? If so I couldn't find it! Would appreciate the help, I'm gonna be asking you guys LOTS of questions, and I appreciate the advice and hope you all can put up with me for a while =) hehe thanks guys!


Neal Jackson 07-27-1999 11:50 PM


We don't have back up lights and it has been awhile since I have seen any on the early Stangs. But, if they are mounted/secured anything like front turn signals, then you remove two small hex nuts that hold a cup like surrounding to the back of the lamp. The cup like metal piece then slides off the inside (back) of the lamp and, after disconnecting the lamp wiring plugs, you pull the lamp out the exterior of the valance panel. I am not sure, but, as with the front turn signals, there may be a right and left lamp assembly so keep the cups and lamps together, although it is easy to figure out which goes where.

Good Luck!


66fastback 07-28-1999 03:52 AM

Why is it I'm not surprised to see this post?
Could it be because Ford didn't see any reason to put connectors under the car by the back up lights?

I believe the CORRECT method of removing the wiring is inside the trunk. It's been a long time since I've had to do this, but I think you can disconnect them from the tail light harness.

Here is the problem. The wires for the back up lights go out the trunk though small holes under the car, not far behind the rear wheels. They come through the "inner quarter panels?"--I'm not sure what you call that part of the car.

The problem I have seen, is that after 35 years of heat and cold and wet, the rubber that these wires are set in is hard as a brick. Good luck pulling it out of the hole.

My car was completely disassembled when I bought it, and who ever removed the wires just cut through them. I guess they figured on replacing the harness. My car isn't a show car, so I just spliced them back.

I hope this helps out. BTW--I was just looking back at some old posts....did you ever find out what was wrong with the electrical problem?

66 GT Fastback 5.0, 5-speed, cable clutch, JBA's, 3.40 gears, EFI coming soon?

[This message has been edited by 66fastback (edited 07-28-1999).]

CobraAC 07-28-1999 03:00 PM

Thx for the info, I'll have to check it out and I guess if I can't get the plug out I'll just have to cut them and try my hardest to splice them- And no I still have yet to correct the electrical problem- I looked around a lot and couldn't find the loose wire problem


Sean6990 07-28-1999 07:41 PM

66fastback is correct about disconnecting from the trunk. Recently installed new backup lights in my 69 coupe and they just plugged into the tail light harness. Previous owner had cut them flush with the old backup light assy. so I had nothing to splice with. The rubber grommet holding the old wiring was a bit difficult to remove but not too bad, just wish they hadn't cut them like that.

CobraAC 07-28-1999 08:54 PM

Ok, got you all on the wiring- Found where it connects to. But it does not want to come out and even if I did get it out, there would be no way to reroute it unless I removed the quarter panel, which doesn't sound like TOO much fun right now =) hehe- But, Umm, I just, for some reason I have a feeling that the cup around the lamp comes off somehow, theres no way that, that lamp is all one piece- And I took the lightbulb out and it looks as if I can disconnect the spot that the lightbulb comes into, from out of the back of the lamp, but I'm not completely sure yet- But I'm gonna keep trying! I hope I can get it fixed soon though! My new valence is just begging to be put back on!! If you all have any more tips, of course I'd appreciate em! Thx for the ones so far though! And keep em coming


Sean6990 07-28-1999 09:33 PM

As far as I know the lamp is all one piece so I wouldn't advise trying to take it apart. Maybe I'm not clear on what you want to do but If you already have both lamps disconnected from the tail lamp harness the only thing still attached is the rubber grommet that holds the wires in place as they pass through the metal into the trunk. Might work to push it into the trunk first and then back out the other way. A little lube wouldn't hurt either before pulling back out. Hope this helps, not easy to describe, sorry.

Neal Jackson 07-29-1999 03:50 AM


In your initial post you said you needed to know "how to get the rear backup lights back in through the holes of the valence", which I read to mean the back up light housing, not the wiring.

The housing is apparently connected to the valance with two bolts or studs and some form of hex nut on the inside of the valance.

From the other answers it appears I misread your problem, as it sounds like the wiring is what you need to know about.

Sorry for the confusion - I thought your were talking about the back up light parts on the exterior of the valance.


CobraAC 08-01-1999 02:16 PM

Well, I got it on finally! Yay! Thanks for all of the help guys! I appreciate it very much


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