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Old 04-24-1999, 07:22 AM   #22
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Join Date: Jan 1999
Location: Knoxville, TN
Posts: 5

Well, at least I accomplished my goal of getting some needed attention thrown at the "Street" Renagade's tech specs and rules.

It will always be a fact that those with the $$ and sponsors will forever win each and every class out there. The reason you don't see the "race" cars on the street is because they have way to much $$ tied up in their setup.

I applaud Mike Wesley for having a 4K truck that can do extremely well in the 1/4 and still drive it on the street.

I don't want to point fingures or single anyone out. I apologize for using Bob as an example.

Simple fact is that if you set out to run to win in a class like Street Renegade, you are going to build a "Race" car to do it. The last thing you are going to think of putting in it is a radio, A/C, extra sound proofing, pwr windows, pwr locks, heater..those are the first things that are usually taken out of a street car.

<yawn> This debate can go on and on and on. It will always be a fact that everyone has their opinion of what a street car should be. Mine just happens to be what I believe in (one that is driven on the street more than once a week). The rules are so vague that "anything" could be a street car and still pass. The only way to make this class competitive is t limit the ET. But, we all know, that's not racing.

<<I hope I haven't given myself to bad a name here>> I'm usually not this opinionated. I guess that it's a touchy subject with me and sorry if I have seemed irrational and pig headed. hehe I get a lot of people asking me why I race my street car in a race car class...hmmm I tell them, it's a lot of fun. Especially, to beat up on the guys with the Automatics. <grin>

Stick a fork in me....I'm done...adios.
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