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Old 04-25-1999, 10:28 AM   #25
George Klass
Registered Member
Join Date: Dec 1998
Location: Torrance, California, USA
Posts: 104

First of all, I'm sorry that you didn't get a time slip on your 2nd run. Computer errors happen. However, I told you in tech that if you under 10.00 you would be DQ'd. Since your 9 sec run occured on your first run, you would have been better off if you never got back in line for your 2nd run. As I said before, once the tech cards are sent up to the tower, I don't see them until after the 3 runs are completed. That is the first time that I can see what everyone has run on paper. The moment that you picked up your time slip you knew (before me) what to expect. Get accountable. As to the "red" car, you must be speaking about the Mustang driven by Willie Figueroa. Check with Willie about "crusing" through tech. I teched his car on Friday and he spent 1/2 the night moving the water reservoir from the rear to the front of the car.

Let the word go out from here. If you run quicker than your safety equipment permits, you will be thrown out at the conclusion of the True Street runs, unless you drop out on your own sooner. It's time for every participant to be accountable.
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