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Old 05-06-2002, 10:00 PM   #1
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Default My weekend surrounded with RICE

Well, I went to a "car show" with my girlfriend this past weekend. She told me that it was a general show where all cars were welcome. It was in Carlisle PA so we left saturday around noon and arived around 5:00 pm. As I came off the turnpike and merged onto the main strip, my mouth dropped. Before me were 5 or 6 rice burners. All with big wings and massive body kits.

So I got onto the main drag and proceeded toward the fairgrounds. Traffic was bumper to bumper the whole way. All of the cars coming the other way were imports. Honda's, Acura's, etc. I didn't see ONE domestic. I asked my girlfriend what the deal was and she told me that the show was the import compact nationals so I was like "great, I'm glad I brought the stang". We met up with her cousin and her cousin's boyfriend (he was showing his early 90's delsol). The show ended at 8:00 that night so we decided to wait outside of the fairgrounds for our friends. Saturday night was totally insane. Everywhere I looked I saw an import. All of the hotel parking lots, fast food places, gas stations, EVERYWHERE!!

Sunday came and we finally got to go in the fairgrounds to see the show. There were so many "imports" (4000 or so). Bright color paint, deacals, graphcs, loud exhaust...the whole deal. We walked around and just looked at all of the cars. Some of them were actually nice...not done up too much. One o the highlights was seeing the SVT trailer. They had a couple SVT Focuses there and they also had a 2003 Cobra in mineral grey. I snapped a few pictures and was about to be on my way when these two kids walked up. The one kid was looking at the engine bay of the Cobra and said to his friend "Hey, you know what that it?? I think it's a supercharger" I wanted to turn to him and tell him that he was right and that it was a supercharger but before I could, he said something else to his friend... "Wow! Look at this block. It's all aluminum" At that point I walked away because I didn't want to turn to him and say that the block is not aluminum and prove him wrong in front of his friends.

The rest of the displays were pretty bad. Everyone was selling decals or gauges, or exhaust. The swap meet was a joke. Maybe 20 items for sale that's it! The other highlight was this 2002 Cadillac EXT that came rolling in. It was black and was riding on... 24's I looked at his tires and they were 305/24's WOW!!! Oh yea, he was pulling something with this Cadillac. A Ferarri He even had a decal on the EXT that read "official Ferrari tow vehicle".

Other than the SVT display and the Ferarri, the weekend was pretty lame but I'm glad that I went. The worst part about it was that there were people handing out rice tickets that drove rice themselves. And a few people that had nothing but appearance mods had stickers that said "GOT RICE?" Isn't this a bit hypocritical??

Today I washed the stang to get all of the bugs off. As I started it up to pull it back into the garage, I smiled to myself. Hearing that distinct V8 rumble is music to my ears. I went to that show and kind of understand imports a little better now but I won't trade anything for my little stang. I don't need a wild paint job or a big wing or 20's. I have my AMERICAN Mustang that is black, mean, and fast (well not fast yet but it's getting there) Just thought I'd share a glimpse into the other side...
2001 SVT Lightning

89' GT : Taking up garage space and waiting for a buyer...

Rice Hater's Club - Member #11
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