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Old 05-04-1999, 12:11 PM   #7
StangFlyer's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 1995
Location: Michigan
Posts: 19,326

Ok, lets get this straight right now. No one, and I mean no one, controls what I do or how I run this site. The Mustang Works was not only founded in 1995 by myself, and myself alone, but it is a legally filed business in the State of Michigan under my name. Neither George Klass, Bill Alexander, or Fun Ford Weekend (American Autosports) pays me or provides me jack! I not only design, maintain, and host the web site for American Autosports, but I do it almost totally for free. I do this because I love Mustangs and because I wish to further the popularity, and heads-up sport, for ALL Mustang enthusiasts. I even travel to events, spend my time there taking picture and video, etc.. Then I come home and put in a lot of work to put this material online for people like you to enjoy at my own expense. I am not reimbursed in any way by Bill Alexander. Hell, I don't even ask him to pay for my hotel room! I get a press pass into the events, and that's it.

Now, I spend hundreds of dollars every single month to run not only The Mustang Works, but the other domains (such as that I host as well. This site is so busy that I had to move it onto a $40,000.00 Sparc Server! I've made very little compensation from banner advertising compared to what I've spent over the past 4 years that I have been in operation. I do not do this to make a living or profit. I am the lead Internet Developer, and Web Project Manager, at a large computer consulting company in Metro Detroit. I make a very good living doing so, and I have worried little up until now about making profit from this whole endeavor. If I have looked to bring money in, it has basically just been to have the site pay for itself, which by the way, it never has.

So, when you want to come spend $500+ a MONTH to run The Mustang Works, support the traffic and bandwidth 5 million hits a month needs, and spend as much time as another whole full time job maintaining it, by all means, you can post what ever you like. BUT, as long as it comes out of my pocket - buddy! I'll run this damn site and message board ANY WAY I WANT. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? If you don't like it, GET THE HELL OFF IT! Then, grow up and take the responsibility upon yourself to learn the rules and make sure you're ready to be teched.

Now, this will be the only time I explain this:

[1] I completely own The Mustang Works business, and I make total decisions for it. No one else controls or influences it via any means unless I ask for their opinion or advice.

[2] My involvement with American Autosports is this: I run the Fun Ford web site. I do so out of my own good will, almost completely for free. I have done so for the past 3 years. At the beginning of 1998, I convinced Bill Alexander of the need for a new, more realistic racing class to fit a greater number of the "heavily moded street racers". And, thus, I designed Street Renegade for Fun Ford which was adopted that same year. Even though I design the initial set of rules, it is now in the hands of Bill and George, although I have been consulted on rules and misc. info concerning the class from time to time. And, if your curious, I have been registered for S/R since its inception, but have never competed at an event in S/R.

[3] I made the Fun Ford message board forum as a service for the Fun Ford racers, which is a privilege to use, for legitimate questions; not as a free for all forum to bash on its officials, this site, nor myself. This will not be tolerated, and I will take whatever actions I see fit to keep the level of quality on this board that has made it so popular. Discussion is encourage. Grievances can be brought up, as long as it is done in a adult, curtious, polite manner. And, the discussion is kept as such. Now, Mr. Klass's golf comment, may or may not have been warranted. But, I know him and do talk to him frequently about the Fun Ford site affairs. And, knowing him, I do not feel that he was purposely trying to come off in a belittling manner. Whether he was wrong or not, it is time be mature and drop it.

[4] My involvement with George Klass, and Coast High Performance is simple. Coast High performance is an advertiser on this site, and I provide E-Commerce support for some of their products in The Pony Shop. And, if some one asked, yes - I think I would call both George Klass and Bill Alexander my friends. 'tuff!


Dan McClain, Editor
The Mustang Works Online
1991 Mustang GT - 10.90 @ 122 Mph
Built, Blown, and Fast as Hell!

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