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StangFlyer 04-16-2002 01:12 PM

Lightning Bashers Strike Again!!!!
Some of you may remember the Lightning bashing incident that I had about a year or so ago where I drove my Lightning to work just weeks after purchasing it, and a women purposely swung her car door into my passenger side door to bash my Lightning for no reason other than jealousy (I was in the truck with the tinted windows up, which she didn't realize, and watched her do it!).

Therefore, you won't f'ing believe this! I drove my Lightning to work today. I parked in the garage inside our building, which has valet parking. I get my car myself when I leave, but have it parked when I get here in the morning. Well, the valet who parked my Lightning this morning hit a damn concrete poll with the front right ground effect and put a huge scrape all the way down it!!!!! (starting just after the fog light hole)

I just happen to take one of the guys up to show him the truck after lunch and discovered it. I went straight to the garage office only to discover that the valet told the garage manager (who was not there) about it, yet they didn't call me. Also, he is not there (off to some meeting) and I had to leave a message for him to contact me when he gets back. What a bunch of crap! You can't drive anything nice anywhere without some person smashing or wrecking it.

I'm just sick of this!

95mustanggt 04-16-2002 01:27 PM

Dan, you have no luck with that truck. I remember last year when that lady hit your door. Now this! :mad:

It is so frustrating working hard for something and taking pride in ownership, and have incidents like this happen.

I hope you get a piece of that manager! MAKE those guys fix the damage to your truck.

tireburner163 04-16-2002 01:36 PM

STUPID RETARDS!!!:mad: I can't belive they didn't even tell you.

BTW, did you ever get any satisfaction from that fat *** that hit your truck with her door?

Crazy Horse GT 04-16-2002 02:06 PM

oh man, dan that suck's, everysince i wrecked, i drive like a gray hair now, oh yeah i do have a lot of gray hair, but really i am so careful where i park etc, man that is just bs, can you make them repair the damage?, i dont understand, why people dont realize what you have to pay for a vehicle now, & insurance,aaaahhhh. make them pay! good luck man, this new's sux.:mad:

Capri306 04-16-2002 02:11 PM

WTF?!?!?!?! What the hell is wrong with people??? OMG.... I would've flown off the handle, F that "leave a message" Shiz. It's gotta be that "catch me" red, Dan. Must attract dings, dents, and idiots. :(

Is there any way you can buff the scratches out (I hope) ???

Rebel79 04-16-2002 02:37 PM

Man you have the luck don't you!?! You gotta get rid of that Lightning (and sell it to me). :D Man I hope you get justice with the parking attendant.

polara7777 04-16-2002 02:44 PM

Ouch! Sorry to hear that. Hope you don't have too much trouble getting them to pay up.

lx mike 04-16-2002 03:10 PM

Don't go postal on us now dan!! he did report it and and even if they didn't contact you right away it looks like they will do the right thing and take care of it. Are they a private company that is contracted or do they work for the building directly? hopefully they remember what happened with that lady and realize that your not going to rest untill it is fixed like new.

mike_navigator 04-16-2002 03:45 PM

You my friend..
have NO luck at all. But geeze my car is nearly 10 years old and i still park it out away from people and it has crappy paint and dings in the doors but still im extra cautious with the stang and i would be especially cautious with the lightning.


red82gt 04-16-2002 03:55 PM

I'm with lx mike, the guy did report it so he's not completely spineless, mistakes do happen and if they're willing to fix it then no problem.
It does suck when it happens but sucks worse when noone owns up to it.

1fastchick 04-16-2002 04:00 PM

Roast HIS BALLS DAN! Thats such Bullshit. I guess its time for you to just forget about taking your nice truck or anything else like that down there. Time to get another beater car.

mustangman65_79 04-16-2002 04:03 PM

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, I think I would have lost it. U spend the time saving for a nice truck, get, and everyone just wants to bash it. The lady, she would have to buy a new car after I was done with it. I bet the parking attendent was hot rodding it and lost control, to hit the pole. It's not like u couldn't see it. And if he couldn't, he deservies not to drive again.

89 Cobra LX 04-16-2002 04:16 PM

I would go ballistic. It is the valet's job not to wreck the vehicle when parking. I would have 2 questions for the garage manager.

1. Where's the video tape (if the garage has camera's)?

2. Whose responsibility is it to make sure the minimum-wage jerk-off knows how to drive?

Mr 5 0 04-16-2002 05:01 PM

Lightning bashed again!

Sorry to hear about this 'accident'. I think the only thing worse than damaging your vehicle is when someone else damages it for you!
I hate valet parking - for obvious reasons.

I've come to the sad but realistic conclusion that we can hold down the chances of damage from parking lot dings and so on but if you drive your vehicle regularly in the 'real world' (ramps, garages, parking lots) then it will eventually get dented, dinged or scratched or even vandalized in the worst cases.

Sad but true and not much to do about it except be careful, have real good collision and comp insurance coverage and try to keep a philosophical outlook about it.

Unit 5302 04-16-2002 06:02 PM

Contact the kid??? What the hell is that BS? It's not the kid's responsibility to pay for the damages, it's the valet service. What a screwed up bunch of idiots!

It's one of the reasons I hate to have a nice 2001 GT now. I practically have nightmares about getting it keyed. :mad:

I worked so hard for the car I just got, and it's not easy to go out and get a lightning even when you have some free'd up income, and to have somebody disrespect it like that. There needs to be some videotape of the event, and if that kid was goofin off at all, he should be fired and forced to pay the deductable back to the company.

You still shouldn't even be talking to the little idiot. I hate it when companies try to pass the buck.

joe4speed 04-16-2002 06:52 PM

Grrrr.... what idiots! :mad:

StangFlyer 04-16-2002 09:18 PM

Lightning Damage Update
1 Attachment(s)
lx mike - yes, that's about the only good thing thus far I can say about the incident. At least somehow or another the word got back to the garage manager that a valet DID do the damage. However, me finding out about it on my own and being able to report it BEFORE I left was only a stroke of luck. I know that they did not call me on purpose, because their policy is that even if your vehicle is damaged, if you do not report it BEFORE you MOVE your vehicle they will not be held liable (so I'm told).

I also found out from various employees at the company that several other people have had their cars damaged by valet's there too, and gotten screwed out of being paid for it because they moved their vehicle before they noticed. One lady there it turns out is currently in a law suit with the company that owns the garage because they wouldn't pay for $900 worth of damage they did to her car! So, we'll just have to wait and see how they handle this in my case, and whether or not I have any problems with them over it.

Regardless, here is the damage photo and I've also attached a pic of the Lightning in the driveway...

Btw: Here's also a link to a snapshot I took of my Mustang next to it... :D

Mach 1 04-17-2002 03:43 AM

whatever did happen with the fat lady swinging her door into your truck incident? You got us all following the story with interest, but I dont recall you ever posting the outcome.

Capri306 04-17-2002 12:50 PM


whatever did happen with the fat lady swinging her door into your truck incident?
Oh yeah.......she's still fat. :p ;)

StangFlyer 04-17-2002 01:31 PM

Well, nothing ever became of it. As you'll recall the police acted with the attitude of "why would anyone just do that for no reason" and they also treated me like I must have done something in the situation. They would not pursue it, and basically just told me if I wanted to do anything I'd have to sue her. Well, even though the damage was $400 worth, to spend all the effort, time off work, and money to go after her unfortunately would just be more trouble than the $400. Therefore, I just ate it. I know - a total bunch of bull, but that's the short of it. My only comfort is that someday I'm sure she'll get what's coming to her in life...

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