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Old 04-17-2001, 12:52 AM   #11
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Columbia,SC, US of A
Posts: 37

hehe...reminds me of a similar situation. There I was knee deep in elephant grass...oops wrong story. I was riding at about 55mph when I felt the truck I was in hop, it didn't fall right over like yours but I slowed down just in case. About three seconds later I feel anouther bounce and look in the side veiw mirror just in time to see a 32x8 inch tire pull to the side of me. Then I felt the truck fall back (drivers side rear) and the tire go zipping past. I slowed to a stop and watched as the tire went careening through a set of four mailboxes and take out a wooden rail fence. The tire hit a tree, bounced about seven feet in the air and came crashing to a hault. Sitting in disbelief for a second, I got out and looked to see that the axle had broken off and took drum, wheel and tire with it. Yeah I had to sit for about 43155663456 hours waiting for the tow truck as well. Not funny then but its pretty funny looking back.
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