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GTDriver1901 07-13-2006 02:53 PM

Such a Heat Score
Ok so I am driving around minding my own business an for once going the actual posted speed limit and I get pulled over by a cop. What for absolutely nothing but for them to search the car for an hour, have a drug dog come and search the car because it is an expensive car. Like what is this all about you pay good money out of your own pocket to have this car and you always have issues with people saying you stole it or it got handed to you, screw that. Anyway finally realizing they were not going to find anything gave up and left, I was late for work but luckily I have an awesome boss. I still say having the car is worth all that hassle though.


rfpowerdude 07-13-2006 03:29 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
WTH?? Did they give you ANY reason for why they pulled you over? Where the heck do you live? Canada? ;) To pull someone over, there must be reasonable suspicion, probable cause, a broken statute/law, etc.

That's BS. One cannot be LEGALLY pulled over and searched for no other reason than a "fishing expedition"...

GTDriver1901 07-13-2006 03:36 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
They said there was a speeding car just like mine recently spotted and they wanted to see if it was mine, even though I was not there I told them I was somewhere else I wasn't even in my car at the time and yeah I live near Vancouver BC RCMP rules up here

rfpowerdude 07-13-2006 03:38 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
Ah, I see, I don't know if in Canada you are protected from unreasonable search and seizure or not...

At least you weren't doing anything wrong!!!

FIVEOFASTCHICK 08-02-2006 07:06 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
wow yes i know how the cops are i have about 11 points on my licence im one away from losing it for a month i don't know if i can handle that. not driving my car would drive me crazy but i feel you on the cops pulling you over for nothing.

05SSick 09-14-2006 05:13 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
1 Attachment(s)
Try not to feel so bad. I too have been messed with because of this car. The cops are jealous and so is everyone else for that matter. Last year when I first bought my 05'GT I used to get pulled over all the time in it. Like you said though its still worth having and I wouldn't drive anything else.

USMC302 01-04-2007 12:35 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
Same here, I got pulled over in Nawlins ( New Orleans) at gun point after work one day, they searched the entire car, emptied the glove box and middle console all over the floor, looking for God knows what and then as they were leaving, I asked what this was about and they said they thought I had fake plates( I have a personalized one), maybe it was stolen. then got back in their car a drove off, just like that. Guess they found the registration and were proved wrong. So much for having a Marine Corps hair cut and a Marine Corps sticker on the back. HELLO?!?!?!?!

05SSick 01-04-2007 01:36 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
I have so many stories I could tell you with people f-ing with me as I drive this car that its not even funny. People go nuts over these cars! Why don't they just buy one themselves and leave us alone! They start at 19 thousand - whats the big deal.

rwhite65 01-07-2007 12:49 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
I am not sure what problems you all are having. USMC should be protected under most of the same protections IL people enjoy up here.

If a cop pulls you over, I wouldn’t scream "WHAT DID YOU STOP ME FOR", but you have every right to know what you did and why the officer stopped you. Even better, when they start ripping you car apart, then you better be asking them why are you searching the vehicle?

Just because I see a nice car doesn’t mean I am going to stop it. I know a lot of police officers and that just isn’t how I or they think. Now if you go screamin by a cop car with loud exhaust and the music bumping, you may be getting stopped.

I don’t doubt any of your stories on here, but I think there are some very key points to the stories that are missing.

05schick- Your comment comes off very conceded. I promise you I am not jealous of your car, as probably many of the other officers are not. We too drive some nice rides when we are not working. Maybe you didn’t mean to sound that way, but I sure took it that way.


USMC302 01-08-2007 12:20 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
man this sucks, I just typed a book length response and it didn't post. I try to sum it up...again..

NOPD has been corrupt for years, probably the most undisiplined Police department in history. During the hurricane, half the force quit and got caught looting, and not for survival items, but TV's and DVD's and crap. NOPD is authorized to drive the patrol cars while off duty as a deterrent, but the spouses constantly use them to bring kids to school and get groceries, etc..not the officers. An officer recently killed a couple while driving off duty with some girls ( not officers ) going the wrong way on the HOV lane. More than 10 times I've been almost ran off the road or into another car by NOPD not looking over there shoulder or using a blinker while regular driving. ( of course it could have been there kids or spouse driving on a power trip)They will ride your ass until you move out of there way( this is all without emergency sirens mind you). Anyway, when at gunpoint, I was not in the position to ask questions, or at least I had enough respect to not argue with the officer when I was told to put my hands on the hood of his car and not move, yes sir was my simple response.
Furthermore, my car doesn't have a radio or speakers in it, and I had full tailpipes at the time so my car isn't loud by either means. I do agree with you however, if you are doing somthing stupid, then you should get pulled over. I wasn't and my story is legit. I also agree with you about the BS on being stopped just for having a nice car, my car is three different colors cause it needs a paint job bad, I still got stopped.
Point being, I'm trying not to miss any key points in my story. I have a few friends that are officers with the Jefferson parish and St Charles parish down there and they both agree that NOPD is just plain sad, rude, unprofessional, and do not lead by example in any way shape or form.

There, that sums it up, ;)

blue00gt 01-08-2007 03:26 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
Also, if they do not have probable cause that a crime has been committed then you have the right to refuse search without a warrant. Most people screw up by waiving that right.
In the case of the NOPD it probably wouldn't have done much good to protest. When we were visiting New Orleans a cop stole $700 from my friend's wallet and then split his lip on the hood of the car and took him to jail for complaining about it.
For me, the experience with having a nice car has been the opposite. I got pulled over all the time for no reason in my '79 that was in perfect mechanical condition but needed paint bad. In my '00 I never get hassled. May also have to do with the fact that I am not a teenager anymore.

Stang_Gang 01-01-2008 04:13 PM

Re: Such a Heat Score
i ahve been pulled over numerous times buy cops in my 68 fastback just to be asked if its for sale and in my 93 because they wanted to know what exhaust i had on it!!! (which is alittle scarry since i have full ceramic headers, hand built off road h-pipe, 2 chamber flows dumped, fully welded from the headers back.((i built my exhaust so i could fully weld it but still get the trans out for clutch repairs with out having to drop the exhaust.))but luckly no tickits yet lol)

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