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1969Mach1 07-30-2002 10:16 PM

Got into my first REAL race. =)
Well I went to one of them fancey coffee shops with Kyle (Bake), his g/f, and my ex-gf. We cruised down there and was pretty fun, we kept gunning it and letting off threw traffic, nothing really big just having some fun, and some girls started whistliing at me and screaming cause I was going by them. I had my ex in the car, but I dropped back and slowed down beside them looked over and then gunned it again and Bake was right behind me to change. Anyway night was over and I dropped my g/f off. I pulled into to put some gas in the t-bird and waited for some ricers to go by as they were hanging out just right there but none did so I just pulled out doing the speed limit (I usually going 20km over atleast) and then there is one point where there is never any cops but for some reason I stuck to the speed limit where I am usually doing like 130km in a 80 and a cop goes by me. I was like sweetness, he would of had me for sure. Anyway I get into my town and there is a Honda beside me (Not riced out) and he keeps stepping on it. I just stay beside him and then I have this nice 91? 5.0 GT behind me and I gun it to try to move over to get this guy beside me and this damn Honda steps on it so I finally get over another light over and the 5.0L guy pulled up at the lights with me, we started talking. Real nice guy, commented me on the t-bird, and I commented him on the stang and we both took off at the lights, I had him in the start by a car but he blew by me real quick, and I loved it. =) We pulled up beside each other again and commented on each others car and then took off again, he waited to take off and I spun the tires abit but he caught me once again rather quick (No surprise) and then we stop at a light and this older Camaro comes flying by and turns, we laught and like why do they even try. lol And like it ain't no Ford. So we take off again and take it upto 120 and we get by the building where I work and also the Police Headquarters so we slow down and we just cruise at the speed limit and talk, real nice guy. He only had 3.73's in it he said. Curious what would his car run with 3.73's and the rest stock? I'm fairly knew to stick so I need some practice and being taught, I think someone needs to explain to me when I should be shifting, and would I be power shifting if I'm racing? Sorry I'm a newbie to this. Anyone this 5.0L beat me by acouple cars but I was more then happy, and he was a nice guy I said good night and take it easy he nooded said you too and I went home. :D I love other Ford Guys. :D :D :D

Sleepin' good tonight,

srv1 07-30-2002 10:25 PM

just out of curiousity, was he a nice guy?

7up 07-30-2002 10:54 PM


Originally posted by srv1
just out of curiousity, was he a nice guy?
Hahaha, that was too funny.

FivepointOH 07-31-2002 03:59 AM

What car where you in? The one in your sig?

1969Mach1 07-31-2002 06:25 AM

srv1 I'm confused . . . .
Yes he was a nice guy, but I'm confused on why ya're asking cause it says, and then 7up laughs at the statement:confused: :confused: :confused: Maybe it's to early for me? I dunno...

And I was driving my dads '90 T-bird SC, only mods is we took the muffles and cats off. :D The think has 250,000km's but it still goes like she's new. =)
I'm waiting for my appraisel to get back so then I can take my stang out.


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