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Old 05-15-2002, 02:19 PM   #5
Mr 5 0
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Lightbulb Futuremobiles

I usually ignore these 'future car' threads only because I have no expertise in this area, nor do I have a crystal ball so predictions are fun but basically useless to me.

Like others, I read the car magazines and know that all kinds of interesting stuff is planned by the manufacturers for future vehicles but I also know that cars (and trucks) are the lifeblood of this nation. We need them, we love them and we can't function without them.

If you doubt it, look at how L.A. and other cities have mega-expensive public transportation systems that no one uses. Even in my beloved Manhattan (I grew up in the N.Y. suburbs) as soon as you can afford it, you abandon the subway and the bus for a cab. I did.

That said, my only caveat for future cars is that they are practical (battery-power isn't, really) and affordable (not yet).

No one will go backwards. No one will give up his/her gasoline-powered car for something that can't go more than 50 mph for an hour or has other, impractical restrictions.

Politicians won't buck massive voter rebellion either if we simply refuse to buy battery/solar-powered vehicles. Laws that they impose or threaten to impose to force us to buy them can also be repealed. America is still a representative democracy, believe it or not.

Car companies are not going to commit corporate suicide, either. Ford is hurting right now and they are not going to attempt to foist anything impractical or based on shaky political considerations on the buying public if they believe it won't sell due to practical reasons or just the high cost associated with new technology. Ford and the rest of the major car manufacturers are in business to make a profit, not sink under red ink from some ill-fated 'car of the future' venture, no matter what some government agency says. That's just common sense.

So, as Chris stated, many changes will come and cars won't be the same in 10 years but although I can't predict what they will be, I doubt they'll be glorified electric golf carts.

Hey, I could be wrong. We'll see.
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