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Old 08-23-2002, 11:02 AM   #7
AKA "Dr. Evil"
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I really don't have the time nor the desire to get into a theoretical debate on why certain people do certain things to cars....

I'm not a scholar or sociologist, but I can plainly see what 98% of these schmoes do, and why they do it...

To fit into a "group", to be "cool", to be (so-called) "different".

I've been around the block once or twice and I have seen this kind of crap since the leisure suit and parachute pants.

Hey, if the guy and his little big-pants wearing friends want to drive a moving sign that says "I love the APPEARANCE of power!", more power to them.
But you're not going to convince me that this is done to be "original".
I've been around too long, and I've seen too much.
And yes, even I was a teenager too....

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a college degree to figure this stupid crap out....

True import enthusiasts laugh at this crap just as much as we do, and half of these guys don't have ANY idea what they are talking about when it comes to what lies under the hood.... although they may think they do...

It is a fad that will be replaced by something else in a while.
What it will be I have no idea, I just hope they keep the color scheme from confusing young toddlers as they are trying to cope with things such as "blue" and "green"....
Uncle Sam
"What the hell is up with all the gauges?
Calling Captain Kirk, your ride awaits... Phasers on stun...."

Last edited by Hammer; 08-23-2002 at 11:11 AM..
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