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Old 10-21-2002, 06:18 PM   #59
0h n0 5.0
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i really don't know why we're bashing our heads against the walls on this. imo these cars are 2 different heavy weights, the R is an everyman( ) i-could-afford-it-factory-authorized nightmare on wheels, its based on the most popular selling sports car in american history and shares its name plate with tradition and prestige in SVT's heralded corral of bad *** conceptions. the lotus ain't nothin to sneeze at, but IMO it falls in the same categories of lamborginis, ferraris, mclarens: high dollar, staus symbols you are rare to ever see one outside of sunset strip or downtown miami. the R is the top of the FOMOCO throughbreds and for the great majority of the people who bleed ford blue, frequent an support this site, the top of the heap and you are not going to convince otherwise.

this is MUSTANG SITE, not a sports car site.

yes there are things that can out slalom, accelerate, top end, an out move the R, but for the 500k-$1000000 price tag of a ferrarri or sure as hell better..

again look at the aftermarket for mustang domestic its the majority, the exotics are a ***** to mintain, insure, an murder to find parts for and work on.

its all about your flavor,how much your willing to pony up. but i 'm pretty sure i could afford a Cobra R some day..

plus everybody knows that that guy in the lamborghini is makin up for somewhere else he falls short in.
0h n0 5.0
Alias:94five0, Vr00m, Black Shuck

1994 GT 5.0l
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