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Old 03-12-2001, 03:55 PM   #28
Unit 5302
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Join Date: May 1999
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If I need to crawl out from under a rock, you need to drop out of the clouds, stOOpid.

You seem like all rice to me, you just can't answer a straight question can you? No matter how many questions pop up, and no matter how many inconsistencies I find in your statements, you simply cannot address a single on of them. In fact I had to take time out of my day and attempt to figure out what part of your story, if not all of it, was BS. I downloaded both video's, neither displayed a readable time, in the second you got cleaned up by what appears to be a first Gen RX-7. Pathetic, really. I haven't heard of any Gen I RX-7's that run 10's, in fact like I pointed out, the fastest RX-7 in the world runs 9's, and that was not it. BTW, the RX-7 is also RWD just so you know to add that to your wealth of knowledge to call upon at a later date that suits you. Furthermore, why is it every ricers NEED to point out that there are fast FWD cars somewhere? It's like a stock Civic Si owner coming on here tooting his horn about how he cleaned up a Mustang Cobra because his buddy's, buddy's, brother's, uncle's, daughter's, boyfriend said he saw a Civic Si run a 13.0 one time.

You could have simply not lied and said your car was a stock with a turbo, (maybe it is and you're full of **** , which I think you are but in another way) or you could have addressed the questions presented to you. Instead you've decided to call me "stoopid" (which is actually spelled stupid, you really should at least spell your own catch phrase correctly) and babble on about rocks and some wigged out, drag slicked, hollow shell of a FWD car that can run 8's. Yes, yes, that's all fine and good, but there are RWD Mustang's running 6's at 200! So yea! I'm soooo impressed.

When your overboosted Civic shoots the crankshaft through the bottom of that hamster of a motor, give me a call, I'll be happy to drive my Mustang down there and tow your sorry *** back to the junkyard your car came out of.

No hard feelings... I realize you're not that smart so I won't hold it against you.
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