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Old 05-28-2001, 09:06 PM   #8
Huh? Whatcha said?
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I was reading this and I think I figured out what the problem is. Ok bear with me here for a second ok?

Ok, with the original setup you had with the 3.08's, let's say you were shifting at 5000 rpm just to make this work, you were pulling 14.3's. Now that you have a 3.55 gear, your engine will be reving up quicker, which means that you will have to shift earlier. Shifting too late will cause the funky ET's. Now, I'm not saying that this is the problwm, but it is a very good possibility. try shifting 500 rpm lower.
My best runs with my Cobra came as a result of shifting at 4400, and I have 3.73's. After that my power curve seems to wavier slightly. It will pull untill 5600, but like I said, my best times came at 4400. try it and see. Let me know if that works, or if I'm full of chit. Later man.
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