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Old 06-20-2001, 11:47 PM   #68
Unit 5302
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So you're saying the LS-1 is rated correctly? Okay.

Anyway, god forbid I should round 45 to 50. Regardless of that, the new Vette has a .29 Cd, I don't recall what the C-4 is. I believe one of the issues of M/T I have top ended some cars in a test. Viper, Vette, Ferrari, whatever. I'm going off memory, but the Vette peaked at 172mph.

If you look up at my post, it says the C-4 is rated at 170mph, I just don't think I'll get there. There is a typo also, the ZR-1 is rated at 178, not 170. The Grand Sport, which makes 330hp with it's LT4 motor is rated at 165mph.

I've done research on Vette's too. My research shows at least 2x as many Vette's on the side of the road with the hood up as Mustangs, LOL! That dispite the fact there are a ton more Stang's on the road.
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