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Old 11-22-2001, 12:06 PM   #20
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: GA
Posts: 11

Be careful--A lot of police departments have editing software at the station house. They screw with the camera angles on dui tapes to make you look drunker or speed the tape up to make you look like you go faster.
I heard that Metro Atlanta PD sometimes stage fatality accidents at the end of some drag races to make drag racing on the street look dangerous. They are crafty. (Its not, though, People very rarely ever die as a result of speeding or racing. And if they do its usually some innocent bystander who shouldn't have been there in the 1st place)

I just read a post on another mustang site and two officers were around the area of a street race and did not break it up. An innocent bystander got killed and the replies to the forum talked about the a$$hole cops who didn't stop the races. Seems like your damned if you do and damned if you don't.

If you race on the street than be grown up enough to accept the fines/jail time when and if you get caught.

As far as running from the police, go ahead and Try it. You might get away. But you may also wreck your car or kill yourself or someone else. Or you may get caught. Again, don't run if you can't afford to get caught and deal w/ the consequences.

We get 2 or 3 chases a week where I work. The large majority don't get away (motorcycles usually do FYI) . Our department has enough officers so that no matter where you run you will most likely be heading towards another officer. IMO, it's not worth it. The older you get and the more "stuff" you acquire that could be taken away, the safer you tend to be. I have a lot of "stuff" I don't want to lose for being stupid so I tend to try to be safe.

You can try the speedy trial thing but I have never seen it work in 7 years. When my court system backs up they hold night court to get the cases in.

I would definitely recomend talking to the solicitor about the case before the trial to see if you can work out a deal. Most are willing to work something out. Also see if you can postpone the case several times. The longer you wait the more details the officer may forget which will strengthen your case. Also, dont race on the street. Not even to "50 in second". You will be noticed and pulled over more likely than a taurus wagon or a z24 cavalier or something. Good luck w/ the ticket.
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