Thread: BMW M series?
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Old 07-22-2002, 09:41 PM   #1
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Default BMW M series?

well, where I park to walk to work (I'm too cheap to pay for parking) I sometimes walk passed a BMW M roadster. they are cute cars and are supposed to be pretty fast, so I'm always watching for the guy when I leave and hope I can follow him to a light.

well, I elave work and roll up to good ole M-Roadster at the light just before te highway.... a solid 2 mile stratch of 3 lane road that branches to the highway. well. I rev the engine, and look over. the guy laughs at me and makes a show of putting the car in first really hard. well light goes green and I rip from about 4k. well I lose traction being stock tires but they bite quick enough to prevent me from looking an ***. well, he gets about 1/2 car before my wheels dig in and I ripthrough first to catch him side by side. ease into second and hit it hard with zero wheel slip, he shifts and falls back a little, but starts slowly crawling up on me. knowing how my GT works I realized I was gone because after second I'm usually outguned if someone has more HP and stays close. Torque is great, but I need more upper end. he ends up taking me by about 1/2 car length before I had to shut down (going 130 is bad ) and he did as well. gave a nod then took my ramp.

I thought the M series was supposed to be really stellar. what happened? Anyhow, it was fun and knowing my car cost 1/2 as much for a better looking car, I was pleased.

When you finally shut down the car, just sit back and remember the run.... win or lose, you know it was a surge of adreneline
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