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Old 08-28-2002, 06:22 PM   #4
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Default Performance Equation


You are right on the money in my opinion. Mustang = performance. Somehow, our cars have become the benchmark for street performance, if you are slower then hey, you only have a small engine and need to do work. I remember back in High School how everyone with a 4 cyl mini-truck (the hot thing back then) would drone on and on with stories of how they raced and beat a 5.0. It wasn't until I rode in an 87 drop that I realized that those stories were total bunk.

This thread has reminded me just how many times I've ignored small engine domestic rice. At this point I'd consider pulling off my GT badges if I thought that it would make a difference. However, all I can do is hope that the less than 8 cylinder whatever doesn't rear-end a mini-van trying to race me as I drive to the grocery store.

95 Mustang GT Vert
Date of Manufacture 07/95
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