Thread: Suicidal Coyote
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Old 01-01-2010, 07:02 PM   #1
2010 Shelby GT500
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New Engand - USA
Posts: 2
Default Re: Suicidal Coyote

My new GT had less than 700 miles when two turkeys just missed getting hit by the truck next to me. I managed to only hit one. They were big suckers. I saw it go flying over the breakdown lane and into the ditch. It broke my headlight bracket and cracked my bumper. Since then I have not had good luck with animals. Or I should say animals have not had good luck with my cars. I was on the Mass Pike a few months later with cars on each side and behind me and ran over a family of ducks trying to get across. A pheasant hit the windshield on a back road (it lived), and a bunch of chipmunks met their end. Friends found a gave me a bumper sticker that says something along the lines of: Squirrils natures speed bumps. The one bit of good luck for me was going to work early one morning, I was stopped at a traffic light. It turned green but I knew the van coming from the right was going to run his light so I waited. Sure enough he ran it and turned in front of me. Just down the road a bit a deer came running across the road and the van hit it. If the van had not been coming it would probably have been me.
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