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Old 10-16-2002, 10:36 AM   #1
AKA "Dr. Evil"
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Unhappy I don't know what to call this. Is it extremely sad or just plain funny?

Saddam's "Election"

Man that's one hell of a quick count considering they're all using pieces of paper....
(Man, this low-tech computer balloting thing we have here is too slow. I think Florida should be a test bed for write-in paper balloting!)

Get this:
On Tuesday, it was apparent that the vote was different from what most people know in democratic societies. Some voters stuffed bunches of ballots into boxes, saying they represented the votes of their entire families.
Is anyone surprised about the swiftness of the count or the amazing 100% result? Hehe, yea... right...

And people are cheering in the streets! I've come to the conclusion that these folks have just gotten what they deserved. A shitty little tyrant in charge of a spineless, media driven\right-wing miltant religion\government enforced people.

Ahh yes... A lovely little nation with a GREAT leader...

Sometimes I think it might be better just to leave these morons alone and leave them with their shitty 16th century lives while their despotic "president" kills them a few hundred at a time for weapons tests.

This would be pretty funny if it weren't so damn sad....
Uncle Sam
"What the hell is up with all the gauges?
Calling Captain Kirk, your ride awaits... Phasers on stun...."
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