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Old 11-17-2001, 02:40 PM   #20
Unit 5302
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Join Date: May 1999
Posts: 5,246
Thumbs down Closed Minded??

Hmm... what am I missing here?

#1 Girl standing on side of road, all alone no purse.
#2 Her friend, in the worst neighborhood in town might "owe her some money" wondering if Merc can give her a ride over there.
#3 She stops in at friends house, askes him to wait, then comes back out and asks him to take her home and have a beer.
#4 She offers to have sex with him.

I guess as a person who's been in basically the same scenerio, more than once, I can speak from experiance. I have NO regrets about not taking that girl up on that. I later found out she 1/2 supported herself by getting knocked up by guys.

Now none of us were there, so it's hard to say, but as a general rule, I wouldn't nail a chick I don't know, who's acting suspitious, after 10min of talking to her.

By the way. Double standard MY ***. I have no idea where you came up with that. More like careful. You never know what you're getting into these days.

If you want an

Option #5 She was a lonely, relatively cute girl who was longing to be with somebody. Damien was a nice guy, he was cute (I'm assuming here, lol) and she was willing to put a lot on the line for the chance to actually have a memorable night for once. Her friends live in a poor part of town because they are also younger, and they are just trying to make it on there own so that is the only place they can afford. She originally anticipated staying there, but thought maybe a chance of something happening with Damien was worth the a little risk taking, so she excitedly told her friends she was gonna zip back to her place with that cute guy that brought her there.

I wouldn't have lied to her about being married, and I probably would have tried to get her phone number, I may have even gone in to check out the scenerio. Who knows.

Bottom line is, he felt uncomfortable as all hell, and you want to jump on him for that, PKRWUD. We weren't there, neither were you, but Damien was. That's all that I can really say on this.
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