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Old 09-14-2005, 07:53 PM   #1
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Default Hurricane Katrina

Is is just me or does anyone else think that Kanye West over stepped his bounds. I understand that things that happen in New Orleans were poorly prepared, however that is no reason to run around accusing people of racism. I know its no big deal but I really take offense to that type of thing. The quote that really gets me "If it had been white people they would have been their before the storm hit." Um... No... FLORIDA gets hit four and five times a year, do you hear them accusing people of racism when things don't arrive 3 hours after the storm.

First of all it was not president Bush's fault. He signed the bill to all federal disaster money THREE days before the dang thing even hit. Why not blame your local officals. Its more their fault than anyone else. Do you think they think about that, no they just go on TV and rant about stuff that doesnt even make sense.

Secondly, What kinda idiot governer tells people that even though the Governer has released a mandatory evacuation that they can stay. AND THEN, opens the super dome and convention center for them. DUH DUH DUH! Why undermind your superior that way.

And Third of all WHAT IDIOT decides it is a good idea to ride out a CAT 5 HURRICANE! And the excuse... We dont have a car... 30 bucks and hop your butt on a GREYHOUND the coulda gone to Chicago before the thing hit... but no, Nagin gave them a way out. AMAZING!

2000 V6 Stang
so far only exaust and BBK CAI
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