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Skyman 01-21-2002 03:04 PM

I can't believe it, we got robbed.
I get a call at 12:45 last night from my dad asking if I am ok, and saying he just got robbed by guys with UZI's.

I beat the cops over there, and I find him hurt. My business partner jon also rents the upstairs of my dads house. They came in with bandanas and beanies and my dad thought it was a joke. They hit him in the head and back and broke his ribs. Tied em up on the floor and put bags on their heads. Jon woke up with an uzi in his face.

They went through the whole ******* house ransaking everything. One of the two guys seemd to know my dads and jons name also. The other didnt. They just trashed everything. They left an UZI and a clip of ammo behind so hopefully that will give the police some leads.

I couldn't believe it, and I am so mad, I can't stand it. I had just left 45 min earlier, and up untill 4 months ago this is where I used to live too. Everything just ripped apart. My dad all hurt, he already had a bad back problems.

I am buying a gun today.


Coupe Devil 01-21-2002 03:25 PM

Dude that sucks so bad. Your dad is gonna be ok isnt he. Just be glad its not worse. I would buy a gun to. Just dont do anythign rasche. Hope it all works out. Sorry man


Unit 5302 01-21-2002 03:41 PM

I know it man, totally screwed. If you need a bro, you know where to find me.

Just don't get yourself into **** with the gun, dude.

mustangdani55 01-21-2002 03:54 PM

dude, i know how violated you and your family must feel. Check out the gun laws in your state. don't go off half cocked and get in trouble. Hopefully that gun that was left has all kind of prints..well, good luck Skyman, and i hope your dad isn't too bad..ouch. Broke ribs are no fun and i know they hurt. man thats a bummer. I'm prayin for you and your dad man.;)

rshap2000 01-21-2002 04:19 PM

sorry to hear about that, just take care of your dad, he will need the support. Sounds like one of these guys new the house and your Dad, hopefully they are found fast. Good luck.

6T9PONY 01-21-2002 05:25 PM

I'm very sorry to hear about that. At least your dad will be ok. And him or Jon didn't get shot and killed or something.

Did they take stuff or did they just trash everything? I hope everything is replaceable and you get everything settled in a hurry.

I hope the police do their job and get the guys who did it. It sounds like it was someone that knew the place. Someone who has been there before? Gotta be careful man...

Be smart with the gun. Use it for defense, and nothing else. You're just gonna get yourself into a lot of **** if you're not smart about it.

Be careful.

95mustanggt 01-21-2002 05:50 PM

That sucks man. There is only one thing worse than something happening to the Stang, and that is if something happens to the family.

Buy a gun, but I don't think it would have help here, man. Even if you had a high caliber machine gun, you weren't there and couldn't have helped.

Best thing to do is beef up security, made an alarm system or a big *** dog or something. Plus a video camera may help to nab the bastards.

The part that I would find disturbing, is that one of the guys know your dad's name!! That means it could be some traitorous bastard.

I wish you luck in getting the guys who did this, and hope your dad and friend recover quickly and fully.

Stang Runner 01-21-2002 06:30 PM

I hope they Get the Guys And they Put up a fight and get the Crap beat out of them too and go to jail a Long time!!! Hope your dad's back in not hurt to bad.

84LX89GT 01-21-2002 07:39 PM

Skyler, i'm sorry to hear about that. That's pretty messed up. At least no one was killed or shot. Hopefully you find out whoever did that, scum like that deserves what they get.


Mr 5 0 01-21-2002 08:09 PM

Bad news travels fast

Really sorry to hear of this rotten criminal act against your family.

Glad your dad & bro were not shot and I trust your dad will quickly recover from his injuries.

Insurance should cover a lot of the damage and we can hope the police will take this crime seriously and find the creeps, but justice can be both slow and faulty so we can only hope for a good outcome.

This was obviously some kind of 'inside' job which may narrow down the suspect list considerably.
I know you'll keep us informed.

Be careful with the gun you buy and follow the rules, but I don't blame you for getting it.

andy669 01-21-2002 09:07 PM

Sky, I wish I could say I know how you feel, but I dont. I've never had a family member treated like that before. Although I am in favor of guns, (I have 2) think about what might have happened if you would have pulled a gun on these guys. I'm sure the situation would have been much worse! If someone busts in with a semi-automatic pistol or sawed off shotgun, then you have a chance. But an automatic weapon is a different story, those things can fire several rounds per second. I would say try to find them and kick some *****, but if they've got that kinda firepower, they are very serious. I hope the cops find them!

P.S. Thanks for sharing this. I have thought alot about what I would do if someone broke in to my house. But I've never thought about the criminals having automatic weapons. I'm not sure what I would do.

Rev 01-21-2002 09:21 PM

Sky, I'm really sorry to hear this . On the bright side, broken ribs usually heal well if no lung puctures occur. I hope the law is able to find these scumbags from the evidence that was left behind. It does sound like there was some previous connection, since they knew your dad's name. Maybe that will help in finding them.

Whatever you do, don't go and find them on your own, no matter how much you may want to do it. That can only lead to more trouble. Knowing you (as myself), that will be your first instinct. Don't do it. Let the long, slow, process take it's course.


Topless In Texas 01-21-2002 10:02 PM

Sorry to hear about that...thats AWFUL!!!! You hear about stuff llike that but would NEVER IMAGINE it could happen in your own family!!!! They were VERY lucky that they SOB's didn't decide to 'use' their uzi's!!!!!! Thank God!!!!!
That freaks me out that they knew his name!!!! It could be someone he sees all the time!!!!
I got buglarized once about 15 years ago, but I wasn't home. They stole some stuff and ransacked the place. Busted out my bedroom window to get in. They were never found.. I know how horrible and violated I felt, and I cant imagine actually BEING THERE and having that happen to me!!!!! They must've been TERRIFIED!!!!!!
I wish them the best, and hope for a speedy recovery as well!!!!
I hope they find the bastards and give them what they deserve!!!! Take Care, Topless

1969Mach1 01-21-2002 10:02 PM

Woh that is scary **** man, hope your family the best of luck. You have to becareful who knows what about you, just shows can't trust to many people out there. And these guys didn't seem to mess around, those guns are crazy. And becarful if you get a gun, it can cause more problems then it can solve. But like 95mustanggt said try beefing up your security. Nothing like a big dog, or an alarm that can scare or even help catch these bastards cause they may be back scary enough.

joe4speed 01-21-2002 10:15 PM

Grrrrrrr. :mad: that really makes me mad, who do they think they are... too bad you weren't there with a gun so you could have blown their ******* heads off.

Sorry to hear that, I hope they get theirs.

stanger8172 01-21-2002 11:18 PM

Hope those a** pipes get what they deserve! If you get a gun just use it in self defense. Thank god they didn't use their guns and it didn't get any worse than it did! Damn them punks! Hope they get caught soon!

srv1 01-21-2002 11:46 PM



Sknight579 01-22-2002 12:13 AM

Sorry Dude
man, I'm sorry to hear that, but be careful in California having a Gun, they hate em there, I live in Texas so I'm ok, (got a huge Gun Collection, well my dads and mine) And if a cop asks you have the gun for self-defence, never say to kill someone, they through your a** in jail, hope you catch em

Red514LX 01-22-2002 12:39 AM


Man, that sounds like a pretty vicious attack. I'm sorry to hear about the robbery but it's good to know that your dad and Jon are alive and going to be ok.

Is it just me or isn't it a bit odd that the assailants had Uzis? That's some pretty heavy artillery. :eek:

1BAD89 01-22-2002 12:49 AM

Almost the same exact thing happend to me when I was about 5 years old, UZI's and all. They were looking for some safe with drugs and money in it, turns out they finally realized(after trashing the place) they had broke into the wrong house, the house they "meant to rob was one street over.....Anyway....Sorry to hear about that SKY:( , hope your dad and brother feel better., I hope things work out.

PKRWUD 01-22-2002 06:25 AM


Sky, I've been to your Dad's pad (same house, right?). It's in a nice neighborhood in a nice town. Sh** like that doesn't go down in Ojai!!! Oxnard maybe, but Ojai??? No way. This was definately an inside job. Only a complete idiot or a close associate would go that far inland, severely limiting their escape options, and pull off a home invasion robbery like that in that neighborhood, that time of night. I'm shocked.

Did they come in through the back? They must have. What ever happened to those killer bees you had back there?!?!? Dude, I can be at McDonalds in Oak View in 15 minutes, 24/7. If you even think you might know who did this, now or later, or are in any kind of situation like this again, you dam well better call me. I'll have my SKS back in about a month. I can find just about any vehicle, too, if you get a description. You need to call me when you read this. We need to talk. Seriously. 650-2663

Very Pissed-Off

Mustangbelle306 01-22-2002 07:40 AM

Erm...maybe you shouldn't meet up with guns at the McDonalds and go after guys with Uzis...seems a little brash to me and is an invitation for a conspiracy charge....:rolleyes: Just a thought....

Either way, I totally agree with you getting a gun, and I know you won't do anything stupid with it. I would do the same thing, even though my parents are Brady Act supporting idiots.

What really burns me up is that in this day and age, if someone breaks into your house, and you shoot them when their back is turned, you could still go to jail for manslaughter. The court systems today in my opinion make a mockery of the word JUSTICE. I'm really sorry about what happened to your dad and I know how I would feel if it were my daddy....EFFING ENRAGED :mad:

Crazy Horse GT 01-22-2002 08:38 AM

wow sky that really sux big time, i hope they catch the scumbags,it's a shame you can't be safe in your own home,i wish your dad a speedy recovery,they really showed how smart they were by leaving a gun behind,if you get a gun be careful ,i have a couple ,but against a uszi i wouldnt even try, unless they didnt see me,good luck man ,i hope they catch the************* soon,real soon.:mad:

89LXFLEA 01-22-2002 10:46 AM

Sorry to hear about that SKY.
good luck with your dad and finding
the skumbags that did this..
becareful with your gun.:(

Skyman 01-22-2002 02:35 PM

Yeah its really shocking. Someone had to leak that we had money in the house and that it was unlocked and insecure. We have some suspicions now so well see how things unfold.

I guess the UZI was registered to some guy in Ventura. And instead of gettin a search warrant the cops go there and the lady closes the door in their face, so NOW they are going for a search warrant. What horrible police work.

We were calling the detectives all day yesturday and they were "On their Day off"

Were putting in an alarm system and a dog, im trying to convince my dad not to move.


NoSlow5.0 01-22-2002 04:13 PM

Oh my God Sky!! I am furious for you!! Having my p[lace broken into was nothing compaired to this. I am seriously angry over this right now. If i ever found the people that did something like that to my family i would end up in jail and they woul;d end up on a slab! Don't do anything i would do. We love ya man and hope fro the best. Leaving the gun there!!?? Sounds like winners to me:rolleyes: Good luck finding those punks, and don't bloody them up too bad! Jonathan

Rebel79 01-22-2002 04:40 PM


Sorry to hear about your old place and about your Dad. I hope this situation brings you to on better terms.

I don't think purchasing a firearm would solve anything. I am al for guns, but think about it, these guys had UZI's!!!!! How would a shotgun or handgun compete with a fully automatic weapon? It wuld have just gotten you or your dad killed.

Stang Runner 01-22-2002 05:21 PM

(If someone breaks into your house, and you shoot them when their back is turned) Well not always about 10 miles from here I guy Shot and killed a Drunk Guy that was tunning the door nob and the rear slider door on his house. Dont ask me How But the Guy got off with out any thing at all.
Sky I Hope the lead Pans Out and they get something they Can use to get the guys. And IF they say the Gun OOO it was stole MY @#$#@ it was why did they not report it stolen.
Well I hope it all goes good.

RAGE_5.0 01-22-2002 09:57 PM

Man sky that is ******* bullshit. I say find the fuckers that did this and get them back
just don't leave any trails that leed back to you.

just don't do anythnig to rash to get yourself put into prison or anyhting. the people who the uzi was registered to was it anybody you knew?

See if the cops can handle it first and if they can't get the job done then thats when you do their job for them and clean up the streets

Skyman 01-23-2002 04:42 PM

Its nice to hear from all of you. Hopefully some of this mystery is going to unravel. I'll let you all know what has happened as I find out more.


exgmguy 01-23-2002 09:16 PM

Sky, I just read this post. That is ******' nuts. I agree with Chris that is was an inside job. Stupid gangster-muthafuka's. If they are the real-deal criminal robber types, they probably won't get caught. If they are wanna-be hoodlums they will get pinched.

I would also think that with an armed robbery/assault they would show up at the registered gun owners house WITH THE SEARCH WARRANT IN HAND!!!!!!

FrankenStang 01-24-2002 12:44 AM

Skyler,man i'm really sorry to hear your story.There's nothing that P***** me off more than hearing stories about cowards that hide in the dark behind masks.I hope your dad is doing fine,and you help him through this .Be careful and don't take things in your own hands(wouldn't want anything to happen to such a loyal member).Hang in there.

7000rpmisheaven 01-24-2002 01:23 PM

How much is that Uzi worth
I am sorry to hear what hapened. Before you go kill the registered gun owner think about this. It seems odd to me that at a robbery you would leave a gun behind. I have no idea how much an uzi costs. I would guess at least a few hundred dollars.

Also I don't know how much they stole from you and its none of my business. Unless they stole like 20 G's from you, a few hundred dollars is still alot of money.

What I am saying is maybe the uzi left behind was stolen. Maybe the robbers stole it from someone they knew and left it behind on purpose. It would lead you to believe that someone other than themselves did it.

I know this may be far fetched but its possible. I know that if i was you i would be so mad that i wouldn't be thinking straight.

1BAD89 01-24-2002 02:54 PM

An Uzi is worth $500+, but I'm sure the police took that.

7000rpmisheaven 01-24-2002 03:02 PM

of course the police took it
My point is that, if i am robbing someone my uzi isn't going to leave my hand. It just seems a little too clumsy for a robber (obviously desperate for money) to leave a $500 gun behind.

DRASTiK 01-24-2002 04:25 PM

sounds like somebody needs an *** whoopin. Unfortunately all you can legally do is sit and wait. THAT SUCKS. I am sorry this happened man.

1BAD89 01-24-2002 06:09 PM


My point is that, if i am robbing someone my uzi isn't going to leave my hand. It just seems a little too clumsy for a robber (obviously desperate for money) to leave a $500 gun behind.
A lesson in Robbing 101:
Rule #367
You never rob a house with a gun registered in your name.

And if it is stolen in the first place what's the big deal in leaving it? I'm sure they did this to throw off the police, or possibly out of stupidity, or maybe they were in a hurry and just left it on accident because " they were running out of time". Most "pro" robbers aren't desperate for money, they are just greedy.

7000rpmisheaven 01-25-2002 08:41 AM

I can't stand arrogance
Most "pro" robbers aren't desperate for money? I guess you can say that because you know most of them? And if the gun was stolen it does not me it has no value. It is still worth 500 bucks stolen or not.

I did not intend to state anything as fact in my post. I only meant to say was seemed logical in my opinion.

1BAD89 01-25-2002 11:16 AM


It is still worth 500 bucks stolen or not.
It might be worth $500 new, but not on the street. Professional robbers that are really serious, most of them aren't desperate for money, they are just greedy. I'm not going to argue about anything with you, this is sky's thread and this is a serious matter, PM if you want to chat about how much a guns worth.

Skyman 01-25-2002 12:42 PM

Yeah I definatly figured the gun was stolen and that is why it was left behind.

The registered owner of the gun said he had no idea it was even missing, so the cops are going from there w/ him on who could have possibly stolen it.


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