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Mercury 10-28-2002 02:14 AM

I'm back.....And still Crazy.
Hey Everyone..How's things been going??

Been gone for a long while. Had to take a break. Time has been extremely tight, making it very difficult to find time to do any kind of quality post.

I've been traveling alot due to work, and everytime I get back, I have to devote a good chunk of my time to rebuilding my relationship.

Work...Women....Cars....Traveling....Fighting with Women...have exhausted all of my energy, and serouisly draining any kind of mental power. So basically At the end of the day, I have been nothing more than Mr Potato Head. One with fuctional arms and thats about it.

I'm still pretty much the same old me, but I've had to show alot more of the bussiness/serouis side lately. And been getting out more on the weekends to get out of that bussiness mode; therefore serouisly cutting back on my computer/Mustang Works time.

Its been so bad I havent even downloaded any...ummm.....errrrr....Movies;) lately.

As for my adventures with the opposite sex....I've had some interesting ones lately..but due to the family nature of this site...I wont go into all of them..hehehehehe...

Thats for another post...hehehehe...Things just got a little more crazy..

Cars doing great, need to take it in for some minor warranty work..Driver window coming loose from track....Fog Light...And....Umm....Rear end making some "Noise" (Excuse to get the Gears finally put in).

Got some plans for ol Diane (64 1/2 with 289), and have taken the steps to intiate my Master Plan. Its going to be a mid 12 sec car when I'm done..At least. Got some of the parts already..Now I just need to find a Ford T-10 4 spd, and some ol' 8in gears. Anyone got a Small block T-10 they dont need????? Let me know if ya do.

I've kinda toned down my street racing for now. I'm going to wait till I get my 2000 GT some more stuff, and my Diane all set up first. Got kinda tired of beating the same people over and over, so I thought I'd just wear my stuff out racing against the next few steps up the totem pole, and not the every day same old same old.

Well, let me get going so I can type my Women adventures now. You all have a good night, and its good to be back, and I was flattered to be missed.


cyberstang5.0 10-28-2002 08:04 AM

Gald to hear that your still breathing... :D

tireburner163 10-28-2002 08:43 AM

Guess who's back....back again.....Merc is back.....tell a friend.:D

Glad to see your still alive dude.:)

jj_jonathon 10-28-2002 10:29 AM


Originally posted by tireburner163
Guess who's back....back again.....Merc is back.....tell a friend.:D

Glad to see your still alive dude.:)

*smacks Josh* :D:D

welcome back merc :)

silver_pilate 10-28-2002 10:55 AM

Good to see you're still breathin, man.

Take care and don't be a stranger.


1969Mach1 10-28-2002 11:12 AM

Welcome Back Bud!
We thought maybe one of your ex's hunted you down or something. :D Glad to hear your ok, and everything is going good.

Hope to hear from you more often,

Topless In Texas 10-28-2002 02:27 PM

It has been a little 'quieter' around here! :D

DAN-MAN 10-28-2002 03:33 PM

Welcome back.


lx mike 10-28-2002 07:29 PM


Originally posted by Topless In Texas
It has been a little 'quieter' around here! :D

Yea we miss your adventures! :D :p

Fox Body 10-28-2002 07:48 PM

'Sup dude. Glad you've been okay.

Crazy Horse GT 10-29-2002 01:28 AM

allright, i was wondering where the mercman, was glad to hear from ya man, about time. :D :D :D :D ;) missed those merc storie's. :cool: :p, btw im crazy, unless we switched identitey's lol.
close enough on the [sp].

MidNiteBlu 5.0 10-29-2002 03:07 AM

Hey welcome back man! Your stories have been missed greatly ;)

So what kind of movies do you usually download? ;) :D :D :D

84LX89GT 10-30-2002 12:21 AM

Glad to hear from you again Merc, hope everything calms down for ya!

Mercury 10-30-2002 02:22 AM

Calms Down for me!??? What kinda fun would that be?:D Thats what makes my life so interesting to me...All the wierd situations I get myself in.

StoplightWarrior 10-30-2002 02:41 AM

Hey Merc, i've posted probably 10 times since you been gone...times change, priorities's all good...

See you around bud!

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