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nickj8685 01-10-2003 11:34 PM

North Korea and WWIII?
I heard on the news this morning that North Korea has threatened to srart WWIII if the U.S. and it's allies don't back off and leave them alone. They also said that they were backing out of the 1963 Nuclear arms treaty. Has anybody else heard this? Hopefully the local news got this mixed up. If this is true then the President needs to do something pretty quick.

69fastback 01-10-2003 11:56 PM

N. korea is full of crap it wont start www 3 cuz there is no one on N. korea's side. China is not even on there side in this issue. So how can it be WWW3 if it is N. korea vs. the world. Just tatics cuz scared of getting demolished by the US ARMY.

PKRWUD 01-11-2003 02:15 AM

They offically backed out of the treaty, AND announced that if the U.S. or NATO imposes any type of sanction against them, they will take it as a declaration of war.

Bring it on.

MidNiteBlu 5.0 01-11-2003 03:09 AM

Well thats not good. I really dont know what to think. If we go to war agaisnt Iraq AND North korea I think that will be a BIG mistake.

The Deuce 01-11-2003 03:46 AM

N. Korea is the ricer of international politics.

They talk a big game and want out of the treaty because they 'will soon have nukes'. Ha ha. Lets sanction them then drop one of the 100 or so we have within range of Korea.

They don't have a nuke, and won't be able to make one if we push the N. Korea button. All we have to do is call their bluff. They're scared. Maybe when they put some naaawwwsss on their warheads they'll be able to fight with the good ol' USA.

Mach 1 01-11-2003 05:04 AM


Originally posted by MidNiteBlu 5.0
Well thats not good. I really dont know what to think. If we go to war agaisnt Iraq AND North korea I think that will be a BIG mistake.
Dont sweat it. The US military will kick *** and take names against both of these countries at the same time with no problem. we have the power..believe it.

MidNiteBlu 5.0 01-11-2003 06:08 AM

I believe we have the power to do it but i still dont think its a good idea. My dad was in the Navy for 20 years i kow a bit about the military :)

Shaggy 01-11-2003 10:35 AM


Originally posted by The Mach1
Dont sweat it. The US military will kick *** and take names against both of these countries at the same time with no problem. we have the power..believe it.

I believe we hace the power. I don't benieve that we will unleash it all on them which is the big mistake. We have to many liberals who only want us to hit military targets and such... What exactly is a military target??? When the whole country even the civilians are up/willing to be up in arms and hide military armermants in elemtary schools ? Sounds to me like that would make everything a target but to a few people it still doesn't seam so.

Mr 5 0 01-11-2003 04:09 PM

The DPRK and reality
Let's get some much-needed perspective here, shall we?

North Korea and it's leader with the bad haircut, Kim Jong-Il, are no threat at all, at least not to the United States. He could conceivably have an advanced missle capable of hitting the western United States but, if he ever did this, it would be the last thing he or anybody else in North Korea ever did. Do not doubt this.

North Korea is an economic basket-case with nothing to sell but weapons. It has a huge but very ill-equipped army that is lucky to get food three times a day, if that. On the other hand, Iraq is an oil-rich big shot in a region of turbulent flop states; North Korea is a pitiful little freak show surrounded by world powers (China, Russia) and economic success stories. Take a look at a satellite picture of the peninsula by night: South Korea ablaze in electric light, the North in darkness. In Far East Asia, North Koreas the hole in the doughnut.

Kim Jong-Il is attempting to reinvent his country which really has nothing to threaten us with directly. President Bush is not about to be distracted from going into Iraq and taking out Saddam and his weapons by the rantings and war talk from a pipsqueek nation like North Korea and a weird little man like Kim Jong Il. Why is North Korea pulling this attention-getting stunt at this time? Beats me. Probably to both distract the Bush administration (from Iraq) and to use the distraction to get a quick buy-off of some kind. This will probably fail. Meanwhile, Iraq is the focus, as it should be, while North Korea is a side-show. Don't let the media frighten you with stories about the DPRK's nuclear capability. It's feeble and even now, North Korean representatives are talking with us (via Gov. Bill Richardson) so that simply proves that all the 'World War III' talk coming out of North Korea is just that - talk.

MidNiteBlu 5.0 01-11-2003 04:35 PM

Very good points JIm :)

DAN-MAN 01-11-2003 04:57 PM


Daniel. :D

jj_jonathon 01-11-2003 06:22 PM

Re: The DPRK and reality

Originally posted by Mr 5 0
Let's get some much-needed perspective here, shall we?

North Korea and it's leader with the bad haircut, Kim Jong-Il, are no threat at all, at least not to the United States. He could conceivably have an advanced missle capable of hitting the western United States but, if he ever did this, it would be the last thing he or anybody else in North Korea ever did. Do not doubt this.

North Korea is an economic basket-case with nothing to sell but weapons. It has a huge but very ill-equipped army that is lucky to get food three times a day, if that. On the other hand, Iraq is an oil-rich big shot in a region of turbulent flop states; North Korea is a pitiful little freak show surrounded by world powers (China, Russia) and economic success stories. Take a look at a satellite picture of the peninsula by night: South Korea ablaze in electric light, the North in darkness. In Far East Asia, North Koreas the hole in the doughnut.

Kim Jong-Il is attempting to reinvent his country which really has nothing to threaten us with directly. President Bush is not about to be distracted from going into Iraq and taking out Saddam and his weapons by the rantings and war talk from a pipsqueek nation like North Korea and a weird little man like Kim Jong Il. Why is North Korea pulling this attention-getting stunt at this time? Beats me. Probably to both distract the Bush administration (from Iraq) and to use the distraction to get a quick buy-off of some kind. This will probably fail. Meanwhile, Iraq is the focus, as it should be, while North Korea is a side-show. Don't let the media frighten you with stories about the DPRK's nuclear capability. It's feeble and even now, North Korean representatives are talking with us (via Gov. Bill Richardson) so that simply proves that all the 'World War III' talk coming out of North Korea is just that - talk.

I was waiting for your response to this, Jim. I figured you knew a great deal about the topic at hand and am glad you did respond. You're one of the very good sources for factual real-time information on this site. Glad you're posting more and more. :)


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