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blue00gt 01-08-2002 01:04 PM

My car was vandalized
Sunday night some worthless human keyed my hood (just got Mach I hood stripe painted on it last month!) and my left fender for no apparent reason. It happened either in front of my house or at the grocery store. I just found out that my deductible for comprehensive coverage is $1000, too.
It seems like the more you try to make something nice, the more people try to screw it up for you. WHY?!?!?!?!?

Mustangbelle306 01-08-2002 01:42 PM

GRRRRRRRRRR posts like these make my blood boil. Back when I had my new V6 senior year of high school, someone keyed it alllll the way down the driver's side :( and even after having it repainted at a BMW body shop, the paint never matched again:mad:

I hope you have better luck than I did with fixing it, and I TRULY believe in karma, if it makes a difference...

Crazy Horse GT 01-08-2002 02:11 PM

that sux i hate when some moron does that to peoples cars,makes you wish that thier parent's had never given birth to a walking piece of crap,it just does'nt make sense too bad you did'nt catch them. man thats so low:(

cyberstang5.0 01-08-2002 02:18 PM

I just had my car painted about 3 months ago and I am scared to death that someone is going to screw it up. Sorry to hear about your paint. :mad: It should be a Federal Law against destroying a Mustang!

tireburner163 01-08-2002 05:38 PM

Anyone who does stupid stuff like that for no reason should be draged into the street and shot. I think some people are just jelous that you have a nicer car than them.

MustangKelly96 01-08-2002 06:56 PM


It seems like the more you try to make something nice, the more people try to screw it up for you. WHY?!?!?!?!?
My feelings exactly!
I had my car less than a month when someone ran a shopping cart into the drivers side door in K-Mart's parking lot. Left a huge dent and scratched in 2 places:mad:
Like yourself, I had a $1000 deductable, so needless to say, my baby is still injured.:(

And what really gets my undies in a bunch, is EVERY TIME I go shopping I always park way out in the back 40, take all shopping carts within any distance of my car inside, and yet still when I come out, there is a fricken cart parked up against it. Never fails.

Anyway, sorry about your car. Hope you are able to get yours repaired.

joe4speed 01-08-2002 07:03 PM

GRRRR... You can never have anything nice in this world without some jealous jerk wanting to screw it up for you! I hope he gets his! :mad:

Fox Body 01-08-2002 07:46 PM

oh man blue00gt I'm so sorry to hear that.... I don't know what to say.... Makes me sooooooooooooooo angry.... AAAAAAAAArrrrgrrrrrhhhhh!!! :mad: :mad: ...Don't know what to say man...

tireburner163 01-08-2002 08:53 PM


1969Mach1 01-08-2002 10:40 PM

That pisses me off, if I seen anyone doing that to anyones car I'd kick there *** but if I seen them doing it to your call I'd beat the living crap out of them. Your car was so nice too! Not that others arn't but I loved yours. It was my background for the longest time. Sorry to hear about that, one day those bastards will learn there lesson.

Fox Body 01-08-2002 11:37 PM

What in the world, hey it was my desktop background for a month or two also. That's why when I saw this post, I got sharp pain in the gut feeling. I got a little "attached" to his car. It's sickening what people do to others.

6T9PONY 01-09-2002 12:31 AM

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I'd go absolutely crazy if someone did something to my car and I didn't know who it was! I'd probably beat the crap out of anyone that even asked me about it!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

KG88GT 01-09-2002 02:03 AM

I hate vandals
In addition to my Mustang, which I just recently got, I have a 78 280Z. I have had it since I was 16. Since then I have had 2 windshields broken out, 1 passenger side window broken out, 1 key job on the passenger fender and a tire stolen. All but one happened while I was at college. To me there is no one lower than someone who would mess up a good car like that.

blue00gt 01-09-2002 01:23 PM

Thanks for the sympathy, guys (and girls). Not knowing who did it or why (not that there could be a valid reason to do something like that) is the most frustrating part about the whole thing.
It's like someone came and took $1000 out of my wallet or something (that's what my deductible is) and I don't even know who to punish.

From talking to some of my friends, I think it may be some teenagers that hang out down the street that did it. They are always cruising the neighborhood and copping an attitude. I set up a closed circuit surveillance camera that I will be hiding in my front yard. I am going to be watching at night when I can, but it's probably a wasted effort. If anyone goes near the car at night I'm out the door to beat 'em like a drunk monkey.

This year is just not starting out well. A while back in a parking lot outside a bar, I was involved in a verbal altercation and someone grabbed me from behind. Instinct took over and I threw them all the way over the top of me with an Ippon Seoi Nage (a Judo forward throw). It turned out to be my friend that grabbed me and he landed on some girl's new car and smashed the fender in. I took responsibility for it and the bill is $1200. Looks like more mods for the ponies will have to wait for a while...

OnMy3rdStang 01-10-2002 03:02 AM

What goes around comes around 3 times fold. They'll get their just desserts. All it takes is time

Gee I feel like some wise man or something But hey its the truth

vetteeatr 01-10-2002 07:40 PM

Sorry To Burst Your Bubble
It has come to my attention peopel are either pussies dont see anything or are scum

My car was runngin for 2 days and it fell apart out near the lake where the oil pump shaft sheered off I came back the next mornign to find within the last 6 hours some fool had busted out my window stole my cd and cd player

Needless to say i was kinda upset as I allready had to rebuild the damn engine

So Back I bring it home rebuidl the engine and abotu a week later im parked in my girlfriends driveway

My battery terminals I foudn out were crap and didnt cahrge the battery so i let it sit there overnight

BAM get called at 4 AM to be told by a cop someone reported kids runngin from my car wiht a shiny box and wires

Guess what???

My AMP and brand new CD Player and a few cds got stolen YES!!!!!!!!!!

What really pisses me off is the cocks who ssaw this didnt do ****
If i saw taht **** i woudl run them down break the littel shits in two and drag them back to the car and tie them up

I got nothign back whatsoever and noone knew who it was

ANds all this stuff happneda round 4 A.M.

And in this town if your out at 4 A.M. your generally a criminal

And as for the thing about getting there phnishment I hgihly doubt it as I knwo peopel who have stolen stuff and continue to and get caught maybe 1 out of every 5 times at the very most

Its so wrong

People need to be mroe protectective of others property as well

Not that im exactly a model citizen but I woudl never go steal stuff otu of someones car bust up there ride and not feel horrible

ALso if they are doign this stuff there is a good chance they dont have much to lsoe anyway the bastards

Ponygirl67 01-10-2002 10:02 PM

That sucks sooo bad :( I have reached the point where, I won't take my car if I know I will not be somewhere I can see it, people are so ignorant of what it takes to keep a nice car, well... nice. Unfortunate but true; people are jerks...

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