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Rebel79 03-12-2003 01:35 AM

No more FRENCH fries or toast!

joe4speed 03-12-2003 02:11 AM

Good... screw them. :mad:

No More Russian dressing either!!!! LOL

red82gt 03-12-2003 02:22 AM

Silliest thing I've ever read.

digital3.3 03-12-2003 03:42 AM


Originally posted by red82gt
Silliest thing I've ever read.
yeah i know, but hey if thats what they wanna do then by all means let them do it.

silver_pilate 03-12-2003 10:16 AM

Corny, but the symbolism holds.

France and Germany can kiss my hairy white *** for all I care.


Hammer 03-12-2003 02:59 PM

To heck with "Freedom Fries"...

A good embargo on French imports is what I'm looking for.

They wanna be the big dog in Europe?
They can do it without us....

Thank you, Drive through...

0h n0 5.0 03-12-2003 10:26 PM

stupid frogs, an nazi's...:mad:

seriously, if al quaeda messed us up on 9/11, how far behind do you think an attack on the eifel tower or autobahn is in the works??? who do you think is gonna be next?

oh lets see, america's friends an allies an anybody else who dosen't beleive in rigerous state issued religon in which women are property, learning an freedom of choice is nonexistent an where there is no free thought, JUST STATE MANDATED,MILITARY ENFORCED MARTIAL LAW..

jesus christ, this isn't america's fight, its the world's fight against hardlined psychotic fanantics..WE lose,EVERYBODY LOSES.

God Bless America:cool:

kiku2sleep 03-13-2003 09:12 AM

“Freedom fries” :rolleyes: That is just ridiculous. Shouldn’t it be “White Flag Fries” and “Surrender Toast?”

Miss Mischief 03-17-2003 10:08 AM

Sorry I Must have replied to this ON RHC
Anyway Norman Swartianager Said it best that Going to war without France is Like Not Bringing an Accordin with you :D

I still have my Mom Living In that country France right near the German Border Ooooooooohhhhh! Double bash! LoL Anyway what i would like to say Being that I did Grow Up there That when you get away from the SLUM AKA Paris You will find many polite and Normal people Paris Is Like New York before 9/11 everyones pissed.

I wish you To truely exsersize your god given right to bash the Hell out of those Power Hungry Dumb *** french policy makers Remeber what Sudham had for armerment? Gee I think It was Stamped Made In Germany and Made In France...... But this isnt the people of Frances fault Just like in this country its the Polititions that Bark Loudest not the people.

I may be French and Vietnameses thats My heritiage aint got a damm thing to do with the 1st thing I am an Americian .............

PS Freedom fries and Freedom Toast Sound Great right now :p

Miss Mischief 03-17-2003 10:21 AM

PS Just to Piss you Off More and Make you Laugh
Momar no Nuts Drew that Line of Death In the sea and F-14's where flying to protect the carrier when they where Jumped By 2 French Mirages "OH NO" 1 was Blown out of the sky the other grabbed hold of both his a s s cheecks and started hauling it back to Libia. Ronnia "Dont F u c k with me" Regan sent a Flight of F-111 Fighter Bombers From England to Bomb Terorist training Camps Military tagets and Government Building. Any who the French said Oh you cant fly through are air space so Our F-111 Pilots had an extra 6-8 Hours Of Flight Time before they came on to target and acedently Dropped a Bomb on the French embassy .......

In the Imortal words of sam Kinasin


And I also wish to God Bless the one crew that didnt survive They would Have if it wasnt for fatigue They where Killed Because the where so exshausted How could they be sharp and allert.

Lemme Just Give the French policy makers another middle finger.

Miss Mischief 03-17-2003 11:14 AM

France has to few exports

Originally posted by Hammer
To heck with "Freedom Fries"...

A good embargo on French imports is what I'm looking for.

They wanna be the big dog in Europe?
They can do it without us....

Thank you, Drive through...

France has to few exports

But Just to Put a Little Twist In europes Panties I wold Like you to know That FORD has like 15% of the market here in the US and close to 45% Of the Euro Market LOL True Blue Oval fan !!!!!

The main factory that Builds cars for europe Is In the Uk!

I Invest in Ford and get a report from there Board quarterly....

Sorry I have Posted so Much On this I just have strong feellings about How Bad this is. There Messing with my flag and My troups I wont sit still for that I proudly display the French Flag at My Home UP SIDE DOWN.

yelowjaket 03-17-2003 11:22 AM

Vote for hammer in '04

Originally posted by Hammer
To heck with "Freedom Fries"...

A good embargo on French imports is what I'm looking for.

They wanna be the big dog in Europe?
They can do it without us....

Thank you, Drive through...

dude your a bad ***, seriously you come up with some good **** for why we should leave our european allies. I like your threads you start about how we help europe out so much but then when the U.S. requests help on the war on terrorism all the sudden they turn their back on us. I'm voting for you in '04 :cool: . I'm gonna start a seperate thread about this.

joe4speed 03-17-2003 04:26 PM

LOL the owner of the restaurant/bar I work at just threw all the french wines, and evian in the dumpster last week. We're changing french fries to steak fries and french onion soup to bens (name of the restaurant) onion soup. From what I hear that is happening ALOT! :)

MazdaProwner 03-20-2003 05:54 PM

England seems like the U.S.'s best ally right now, even more so than Canada. I can't speak for Chretien about why he doesn't want to help. I don't really give a Damn either.
Perhaps the history books should be changed to show that the Statue of Liberty was given to the U.S. by England instead of france. Maybe to show that there were no hard feelings between the two countries after the war of 1812, and the revolution.

Miss Mischief 03-20-2003 06:09 PM


Originally posted by MazdaProwner
England seems like the U.S.'s best ally right now, even more so than Canada. I can't speak for Chretien about why he doesn't want to help. I don't really give a Damn either.
Perhaps the history books should be changed to show that the Statue of Liberty was given to the U.S. by England instead of france. Maybe to show that there were no hard feelings between the two countries after the war of 1812, and the revolution.

Yes the Uk is the best ailie of the US and the most Grateful.. French pride Sucks "I am French Vietnamese" Born on an americian base, Military Brat raised in both The UK and France the French think they are all that. Sorry there Not, After Libia The 3 day war refusing to Acknowledge the state of Isreal and Now I am sorry I have any french blood in me at all .....

PS Ive stopped speaking the language except to my mother she doesnt speak english.

tireburner163 03-20-2003 09:07 PM

French Fries aren't even French. They're Belgin

MazdaProwner 03-21-2003 03:37 PM

I always thought that french fries were ''invented'' in north america, because they didn't even have potatoes in europe back in the day.

MiracleMax 03-21-2003 11:26 PM


Originally posted by MazdaProwner
England seems like the U.S.'s best ally right now, even more so than Canada. I can't speak for Chretien about why he doesn't want to help. I don't really give a Damn either.
Perhaps the history books should be changed to show that the Statue of Liberty was given to the U.S. by England instead of france. Maybe to show that there were no hard feelings between the two countries after the war of 1812, and the revolution.

Lite weight!

You need to melt the statue of liberty down and take all that copper and fashion it into a giant freak'n ***** with a finger pointed at it, aimed squarely at france.

There ain't nothing sacred about a big copper statue. there are plenty of US landmarks to go around

Miss Mischief 03-22-2003 12:53 PM


Originally posted by MiracleMax
Lite weight!

You need to melt the statue of liberty down and take all that copper and fashion it into a giant freak'n ***** with a finger pointed at it, aimed squarely at france.

There ain't nothing sacred about a big copper statue. there are plenty of US landmarks to go around

After Her Face Lift which cost us tax paying Morons a Couple Million we should Change the Name to Our Lady of staten Island they gave it to us why should they get to name her?:p :p :p :D

chucksrhodes 08-25-2010 09:56 AM

Re: No more FRENCH fries or toast!
I didnt get that what actually mean to say. Specify that it will definably help me to give perfect answer.

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