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srv1 11-22-2001 01:54 AM

Dinty Moore Stew...
how many of you ever had Dinty Moore? i had some today and it smells EXACTLY like dog food! what gives? it actually taste like it too. i dont know exactly what they put in there but if your hungry and ran out of Dinty Moore, then whip out the ol' Alpo and go to town, cause i swear that crap must be the same! ever had some food smell like something else that isnt food or not for humans? well news update folks, i aint eatin that **** again!

Mercury 11-22-2001 02:09 AM

Man, for some strange reason, when I was a kid I was addicted to Dinty Moore Beef Stew.

A year back I bought some for old times sake, and about threw up on myself. It Smells like dog food, looks like dog food, and Does kinda taste like it (I would know).

Well you know what they say, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

You know whats almost as bad, Hormel Chilly. That right there is A$$ food.

I'll stick to my Romen Noodle soups. There the bomb. :D

Maroon 5.0 LX 11-22-2001 07:38 AM

The last time I popped a can of 'ole Dinty Moore, there was so much grease in it, I thought about opening a Jiffy-Lube!

StangLady 11-22-2001 09:52 AM

The dog we had when I was a kid wouldn't TOUCH the stuff, but my Dad sure loved it...hrmmmm :)

mustangdani55 11-23-2001 01:20 PM

dinty moore WHAT?
i told my old man about that and he said yep, boss won't even touch it. and believe m e my dog will eat anything. funny tho.. my cat PUNKIN loves it. you can't even doctor it up with garlic and all that. it still tastes like $***!!!!!!!:D

Godslayer 11-23-2001 11:20 PM

I like the stew. My roomate gets crates of the stuff from his dad and I steal cans all the time. I think it tastes allright. BTW I have eaten dog food before, and the DM is heads up better :)


Mercury 11-24-2001 01:08 AM

What brand dog food was it? If Dinty Moore tastes better, then I wanna be sure I dont buy that brand dog food!:D

Godslayer 11-24-2001 01:34 AM

Some kind of Alpo... :confused: I can't remember.


69fastback 11-24-2001 08:02 AM

Wow u think some stew tates like crap. Let me tell u one of the things these korean ppl eat. It is caled KIMCHI. Nastiest stuff there is. It is actually rotten cabage. They wait until the some cabage rotts then take it and put some really hot sipices and stuff on it. It smells so bad. the people even smell like. Yes korean ppl stink very badly. I wont come anywhere near that stuff i have never eaten it just from the smell.

Speaking of dog food u can acutally go to one of the nicer resturants around here and order fresh dog. Yes have dog for dinner it is like 25 bucks a plate. (never done that either) but when i went to school to be a sergent they had a resturant next to it that sold dog and u could hear the dogs yulping when they where killing them. I think it is so fresh they kill the dog when u order it. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mustangman65_79 11-24-2001 09:12 AM

Does the chinesie fod have cats too?

mustangman65_79 11-24-2001 09:13 AM

Hehe, can't spell!!!

XR1stang 11-24-2001 12:02 PM

Anything by Dinty Moore is horrible, nasty stuff. It turns my stomach just from the smell of it... ick.

As far as dog for dinner... The Filapinos only eat black dog. I really don't know why, but I do know it's true. My ex-wife used to LOVE Kimchi, that is some NASTY stuff. I tried it one time just to get her off of my back about it... bleh, hork, arrrgghhh. I will never EVER eat kimchi again.


Mercury 11-24-2001 02:07 PM

Its only a certian breed of dog that is eaten. Its not like they eat Lassie or pouch. Imagine what other cultures think of us for eating the Holy Cow.

I admit that I wouldnt be rushing in line to eat dog, but its a cultural thing.

I'm not big on Kimchee either even though I love the asian girls, and culture, but what is all achol made from. Fermented (Rotting) grain, fruit, vegatable of some sort. Anyone eat Sour Kraut? ;) Or how about the polish sausage Keishka (Made with Barley and cowagulated Ducks blood.)

The food thats arises out of ones culture has come out of nessisaty (Misspelled).

Every culture has its disgusting food. We americans have Dinty Moore. Oh, what in the hell is MECHANICALLY SEPERATED CHICKEN ANYWAY. Read the back of a SLim Jim package.

I'm not trying to be anal or obnoxouis, just pointing out a few things.

Does anyone know how many maggots the federal Government allows in canned foods? How about percentage of Rat droppings? That dog is probably cleaner. Now that I think of it, I'm not hungry anymore. :D

mustangdani55 11-24-2001 02:13 PM

OMFG!! merc, that was totally disgusting. permanent diet time.. my sister did that yo me once about hot dogs.. my old man has eaten dog food on a dare by me.. but won;t touch dinty moore stew.

Mercury 11-24-2001 03:24 PM

Through my years of dating asian girls I can say that the Kimchi smell permeates everything in the house.

My spelling is about to get horrible, I've dated chinesse, japenesse, tiawanesse, and korean girls before, but of all the asian cultures the Korean food has to be some of the most potent smelling there is. That is not meant to be a racial stab, or a stereo type. I dig asain girls from any culture or country, well dont get me wrong, I dig any background girl, but asian seem to draw me in.

The smell of Kimchi doesnt come off with washing either. It stays on the plates, glasses and containers even after you wash them several times. It took along time for my nose to get use to that smell. After leaving there houses, I would come home, or go out smelling like Kimchi, even though I hadnt ate any.

srv1 11-24-2001 06:06 PM

Kimchi. dont they also use the same pot for their laundry? i hear it a very poor culture. that all they have i assume. they gotta live off of what they have.
dogs or cows, dogs or cows. hmmmmm COWS! i dont pet cows, but i do pet dogs!
i guess your right, if it walks like a duck, quaks like a duck.........

Mercury 11-25-2001 01:37 AM

Now, I have gotten this answer several times from diffrent sources, but all the Korean girls I've dated, in some way the conversation of Food came up with there family, and they told me there arent alot of beef dishes because there arent many cows.

Makes sense so far, there arent many cows because of land needed for the cows, and there expensive to feed, butcher and everything else.

I'm no expert on asian culture by any means, but thats what I've been told. But then again the mothers of the Girls I've dated didnt like me. I was even called a roach, and a looney before.

Dont ask. :rolleyes:

Godslayer 11-25-2001 01:45 AM

I see this post is going up right where it should be.


Mercury 11-25-2001 02:29 AM


What does that mean??????? I'm lost.

Godslayer 11-25-2001 03:07 AM

It's a Dinty Moore post. It's getting alot of activity. It's a Dinty Moore post.. :)


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