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Mercury 12-09-2001 02:20 AM

Awesome Night for Mercury. Got a Girl, and Raced!
Oh my god, tonight was an awesome night for me. I'm still floating on cloud NINE, and to think, I almost didnt go out tonight.

Yes yes yes yes...Oh what a night. Theres this asian girl that hangs out with the FireBird Crowd. She has a 2001 6spd WS-6 Firebird. I've been eyeing this girl for along time. Never talked to her, but always wanted to.

Well Tonight, while me and the usual gang(About 9 of us.) talked over near our cars, I saw the Girl pull up in her Firebird. She got out and was talking to her Firebird people. I kept looking over, and it looked like she was looking at me several times.

After 30-45 minutes, I had enough. I thought, I'm single now, what do I have to loose. I tell the guys "Guys, I'll be back."

They see me looking over at the asian girl and someone says "Oh god, here he goes." Sounded like Budman. Someone elssaid "Go get em Merc" I think that was Navigator. Dont recall. The rest just shake there heads and roll there eyes. I've been talking about this girl for along time.

I go into enemy territory, the FireBird area. I walk over to her car (Its Red :D ) and begin looking at it. I look at the scoops, and nod my head with appreciation. She comes over quickly and sounds excited (Could be she's just energetic.), I tell her she has a beautifull car. And I tell her if there was no such thing as a Mustang, that I'd be driving a car identical to hers.

She hands me the keys, opens the door, and tells me to sit in it and start her up. I tell her no, thats okay, but she kept insisting. So Finally I accept. I sit in it and crank it up. Sounded good, shifter felt nice. Kinda low, and felt like I was sitting on a floor.

Then she offers to let me drive it. I tell her thanks but no thanks. I make a joke about how my Mustang friends might think I'm going to the "Dark Side".

I hand her my keys and say the least I could do is return the favor. So we go over to my car and she sits in it, cranks it up and revs it a few times. She loved the way the exhaust sounded. Then she asked me to pop my hood. After a few minutes, we go back over to her car and look under her hood.

She laughs, and we talk, and talk, and talk. We talk about jobs, age (Shes 28, I'm 24) racing, and modifications. She was a real smart, well educated person. She even does her own work on cars. Pretty to. Single, Very single. :D She Then threw a joke in about racing.

I must be known among the FireBird people, because when she jokingly challenged me a guy stepped in and advised her not to race me. His exact words were "Um, (Girls name), I wouldnt do that if I were you. That boy can drive.".

I turned red in the face, she looked at me and asked if I could race good. I turn bashfull and say I guess so.

When she turned away, one of the other Firebird guys that was standing kinda behind her winked and gave me the thumbs up sign.

After an hour and so of talking, I shake her hand and tell her it was real nice to talk to her, and ask her if we could talk agian sometime. She tells me "Sure, I'd love to." I smile and crack a joke about how my Mustang Friends probably think I've been converted and how I should check in on them.

After about 10 minutes, She walked over to her car, and I walked over to say good bye, and that was it. I didnt want to be to pushy and ask for her number. When I get up to her car, she smiles and says "Oh, I was going to drive over and say good bye."

I ask her if she'll be out here next weekend and she said said definetlily and that she wanted to exchange phone numbers. I told her I didnt have any paper or a pen on me. She didnt either. She said we'll exchange numbers next weekend and go out and do something. She had to pick up her kid. Then drove off.

At least I didnt make any sasquatch sounds this time. She showed off while pulling out of the parking lot. Missed Third gear though. Thats okay, I'll show her how to race.:D

The guys were surprised that I actually did it. Never doubt Mercury. I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEKEND...COME ON SATURDAY. :D

I'll post the races in Street Racer forum. I got in a few on the way home.

Mercury 12-09-2001 02:37 AM

God, seems like my dream girl. Asian, into high performance domestic cars, races, educated, polite, pretty.

I have a good feeling about this one. I'm so happy. I cant wait till next weekend. I hope this week flys by.

6T9PONY 12-09-2001 02:54 AM

Man, man, man, Merc. You certainly do have a way with women.:D I'm happy for you though. Even though it would have been cool to go after that chick at your work, it still seemed a little fishy to me.

This Firebird girl sounds pretty cool. A little more classy than the girl at your work, which is always a good thing.

Hope everything turns out good....and by the way, whenever you'd say something about your sasquatch noises in your other posts I would start laughing. I did again when you said you didn't make any. Hehe....:D :D

90LxDroptop 12-09-2001 03:20 AM

yayyy asian women!
Yeah dude, that sounds so awesome. Asian women do rule! I went out with one in the summer for awhile...that's all over with tho. She wasn't into cars as much as the firebird girl is, but she was cool nonetheless. Best of luck man

Crazy Horse GT 12-09-2001 10:05 AM

merc uh i mean chewie,jk you are the man , dude you got the luck dont ya? good luck i may have to to drive over there to nc i aintthat far from the line see ya.:D

1969Mach1 12-09-2001 10:27 AM

Alrite that's it Merc. give us all your woman secrets. :D Very nice job! She sounds like a real winner! A girl that is into cars is 1 thing, but 1 that does there own work. That is one rare find. =)

Wish you the best of luck,

mike_navigator 12-09-2001 10:47 AM

yes yes
Dude when you shook her hand you guys shook hands for a good ten, twenty seconds:D well good luck with her i will be there next week i think you might be out there lol


Unit 5302 12-09-2001 11:46 AM

I wanna hear about how it goes down next weekend man!

I even rated the topic for you, hehehe.

Mercury 12-09-2001 12:27 PM

I will definetly keep everyone up to date.
Trust me. I will let you all know what happens.

I'm so happy. I seem to finally of met the women of my dreams........:D To bad she drives a Firebird, but hey no one is perfect. ;) Its one bad a$$ Firebird though.

Cant wait....Cant wait......Is it Saturday yet?

Coupe Devil 12-09-2001 12:38 PM

Ahhhhh, And the Peasents rejoiced. ( Fat lady with horns and a metal bra signin in the background). Sounds good. No here what yo uhave to do. Have her to go for a ride in her car, but let her drive. When you get back to your hangout, Say' "C'mon now lket s ride in mine". Get on it hard and really impress her. And be sure you have a pen and some paper man!!!!

6T9PONY 12-09-2001 01:58 PM

Just get her to put a big blue Ford Oval sticker on the rear window of her 'Bird. That would almost be better than her driving a Ford!!!

srv1 12-09-2001 02:18 PM

you said she has a kid? will that bother you? anyways, i think you have the best of both worlds. i wouldnt get your hopes up quite yet, as you know how "sh*t happens". dont want to be heartbroken and left scratching your head! we ALL know how that goes, dont we guys? the best of luck to you man! remember...YOU DA' MAN!

Fox Body 12-09-2001 02:29 PM

*I thought I already posted to this thread, but I can't find my post??? :confused: I must be losing my mind, Oh well*

I salute you Mercury for not only trespassing in dark territory, but also for having the courage to try and hook up with one of its female minions. Can't say for sure if I would've risked it... you know, possible conversion to the dark side. Be careful there, Samson :D.

6T9PONY 12-09-2001 02:32 PM

Man need to SHAVE!!!!

:D :p j/k

Mercury 12-09-2001 03:33 PM


Man, How did you get that picture of me? My god, I'm naked in it. Hehehehe, I hope this girl likes a little bit of chest hair..:D

Mercury 12-09-2001 04:56 PM

No, the fact that she has a kid doesnt bother me. She had been married, but got divorced 6 years ago.

Argghhhhh...Cant wait. Need to go out tonight and be happy. Must drive. Getting cabin fever.

Oh, everyone like my new Avatar. I'll change it back to my old Mustang Diane after Christmas, or get a good pic of my new stang to use.

Thats a Christmas ornament that my mom hates. Its older than me. I sneek it on one of the tree's every year. Behold the power of the Albino Christmas Pig.

6T9PONY 12-09-2001 09:19 PM

hehehe....albino christmas pig....for some reason that sounds like it should be in some horror serial killer movie...hehe....:D

mustangdani55 12-10-2001 10:18 AM

:D well merc...seems like things are lookin up for ya. right on.. just take it slow.

VNAMUS in VA 12-10-2001 01:25 PM

YAY!!! :D :) :D :) YAY MERC!!! Good Luck!

TJR 12-10-2001 02:13 PM

Good Luck Merc!

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