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Topless In Texas 03-12-2002 04:32 AM

There's Something In My House/i'm Freaking Out!
OMG!!!! i'VE BEEN SOUND ASLEEP FOR THE LAST 2 HOURS!!!! Me and Caitlin kept thinking we heard like a 'knocking' noise earlier, we blew it off. Well it just woke me up out of a dead sleep. It sounded like it was coming from my windows facing the street. I grabbed the phone and was waiting to call the police.
I peeked out all the blinds and didn't see anything. Then It sounded like its coming from my chimney, in between the windows... NOT birds either!!!! Its hard to tell. But the way the knocking was was just like someone banging on a window and if it has feet it sounds like its BIGGER than a bird!!!!!!! (ALOT BIGGER!!!) :eek:
I'm totally freaked out right now but dont want to make an *** out of myself. I WAS looking forward also to 6 hours sleep tonight! Its really windy outside, and i hear the 'activity' going on now and i'm upstairs on the other end of the house!! I'm scared to keep the dogs here tomorrow while i'm gone, if its a big critter, if it gets in, it might hurt them!
do I need to call a chimney sweep to come look or what? HELP! I guess I have to be here if I do? UUGGHH!!!!!

TOTALLY freaked out IN TEXAS **when will it end????**:confused:

03-12-2002 05:20 AM


If you feel unsafe,it won't hurt having you call the police to come check things out

Hang in there gal,things will settle down,but at this point if you feel unsafe,call the cops to come check things out!

Her99GT 03-12-2002 08:04 AM

Hey, Topless--It could be raccoons or 'posums. They maybe in your attic scratching and thumping around. I know out here (North side of Houston) they are a lot of people that have been having trouble with them getting in their attics. Hope you find the culprits soon.


95mustanggt 03-12-2002 08:10 AM

odds are it is some little critter. But if you feel you are in danger, call the police. You should not feel like an a** for trying to be safe!

You and your families safety should be #1 priority!

mustangdani55 03-12-2002 10:23 AM

Hope you are ok...could be bats...I'm npt tryin to scare you, but since you are on the far southside of houston, unless they have built up alot , there used to be alot of trees and stuff..

I had to call the police once to come get a bat out of my apartment. I felt like i was so stupid...

During the call to 911, this is how it went..
911..what is your emergency???
me.. I don't think you would consider this an emergency, but I have a bat in my apartment and I can't get it out.
911..Please hold mam
now, during this time while I was on hold, I thought, i can see everyone rolling in the floor laughing hysterically ya know??
911..Ok mam, where is your location??
me.. I gave him my address
911..we have someone on the way mam..
me.. ok thank you..

So I went and sat on the stairwell and waited about 29 minutes, a jeep rolled up and the officer got out a huge net, started up the stairs and I said to him..ok no jikes about me having bats in my belfrey...He cracked up and lost it... I did too..He got the bat, and we put it in a pillowcase, and he took it outside. I said please take it off and let it go, cause I don't want it coming nack in my house.. he laughed and got in his Jeep and drove off.

Just a story I thought I'd share to try to make you laugh a little there Christine...


Crazy Horse GT 03-12-2002 12:10 PM

lordy christine you & that house just arent getting along well. your luck sounds like mine ,yeah i think you need to call someone
to check it out,just for safety reasons take care.

tireburner163 03-12-2002 12:20 PM

Maybe it's some type of prehistoric monster:D

Mercury 03-12-2002 12:53 PM

A few simple questions.
Hey Topless. Some small "bugs" to work out of the new home hmmm.

I havent been totally following the saga of your move, so I might be asking some questions that may have been already covered.

Your house, how long of a period did it go without anyone occupying it before you moved in?

Knocking on the window. Are there any bushes or branches near the window that might sway and tap against it?

I'm not meaning to sound like a crazy (Even though we all know I am), I remain on skeptical on many things, and always look for natural solutions, but........maybe..........your sharing the house with another occupant, if you catch my drift.

Fox Body 03-12-2002 05:54 PM

Hey, you and your dog should go exploring like Scooby Doo! That'd be fun. :D
But seriously, like others suggested, it's alright to call the police in a situation like that. At that time of night, many of them just cruise around looking for something to do.

moc 03-12-2002 06:44 PM

I had a raccoon in the chimney last year ,had a neighbor see it crawling up the downspout .Took a look and shure enough there were little sooty paw prints going up the gutter .Called my township ,and they sent a guy out with a big caged trap ! took about a day and shure enough we had ourselves 1 dirty raccoon ;)

srv1 03-12-2002 07:00 PM

its the boogieman! go to bed! stop pestering people on this board! maybe you should get bigger dogs instead of those to puffy footballs you have!:D better yet, get a shotgun! doesnt every Texan own a gun?

6T9PONY 03-12-2002 08:26 PM

It's a nest of rattlers.....;) :p

MustangKelly96 03-12-2002 11:24 PM

probably just a poltergeist or two:D j/k

I think I would get someone over there ASAP and find out what the problem is. Hope things settle down soon so you can get to enjoy your new house.

Old Guy with 87 GT 03-12-2002 11:29 PM


Originally posted by srv1
its the boogieman! go to bed! stop pestering people on this board! maybe you should get bigger dogs instead of those to puffy footballs you have!:D better yet, get a shotgun! doesnt every Texan own a gun?
he he he ,lmao........she's gonna kick your a*s for that one........... "puffy footballs" :D

Topless In Texas 03-13-2002 12:07 AM

SRV: YOU SIR, HAVE SUCH A WAY WITH WORDS.....Looks like it time to get that rusty, dusty Armadillo launcher out and haul a Critter or 2 your way!!!!!! (maybe thats whats in my chimney!!!) :eek:

Well, he/they came to life again tonight...Caitlin came up here. She didn't wanna stay downstairs w/ 'it'. My "puffy Footballs" :p are in here too! Its making noise and its still freaking me out. I checked the damper, it had opened a bit so I reluctantly stuck my hand up there and shut it..hoping i would get it back w/ all my fingers attached!!!
I have the Chimney Sweep coming Friday. So, I have to live w/ this No Rent Paying PITA till Friday! Whatever it is.... I just HOPE that they dont kill it!!!!:( I love animals...maybe i can adopt it? But It really does shound as big as a large dog in my chimney! :eek: Hopefully it wont die before Friday and stink up my house, thats ALL I NEED.....:rolleyes:
I'll keep you posted if it gets out and attacks us or anything!!!

6T9PONY 03-13-2002 12:09 AM

If we don't here for you for a few days we'll send someone over to check on you!:p ;)

Mustangmom2k 03-13-2002 12:11 AM

Hey, now, I have a puffy football, too!!

Topless---I think you can launch away, which will make good use of whatever's in your house!

6T9PONY 03-13-2002 12:13 AM

Maybe it's a skunk!!! Do they have skunks down there?


Mustangmom2k 03-13-2002 12:24 AM

LMAO!!! Good one! Never thought of that! :D

Topless In Texas 03-13-2002 12:31 AM

AAACCCCKKK!!!! YA, we have skunks down here. Although, usually they are on the side of the road(dead) when I see them. Now, wouldn't that be wonderful! :rolleyes:
YA< I've seen DANDY, Mom's dog...shes furrier than mine...and equally as cute!!!!!!! Poms are cuties!!! Good natured too! But I dont think thats whats up there...

YA'LL WOULD NOT BELIEVE THE NOISE ITS MAKING NOW....IT SOUNDS LIKE IT WIEGHS ABOUT 80 LBS!!! Throwing itself around in there. Its pretty frigin' creepy!! Evidently it definetely comes to life at night!!!!! (kinda like me!!!) :confused:

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