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gtsr515 03-15-2002 11:35 PM
Ya know, I'm sittin' here thinkin' I should be at the 12 hours of Sebring right now, (I live in Sebring, work for Skip Barber), but I can see more on the SPEEDCHANNEL later, and this is absolutely the BEST MUSTANG SITE.......PERIOD, I used to be a "Corral" devotee, I will admit there are some big dogs on there, but a post gets buried in 10 minutes, I just love this site.


(Have you inhaled a vette lately?) I have!!! GO MUSTANG!!!!!!!!
or should I say MUSTANGS go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

exgmguy 03-15-2002 11:37 PM

I do like this site better than the Corral. Must be for a reason.

Mr 5 0 03-16-2002 10:25 AM

Aw Shucks...

Thanks for the compliment, we appreciate it.

Dan McClain and all the moderators have worked hard to develop a solid core of Mustang fans within a website and forums where we can discuss things and actually help each other...even newbies

We don't tolerate flames and we don't entertain fools so we don't have the tidal wave of posts that other sites may have, but we're a lot more useful as well as cordial to our members and we try to keep threads on topic and avoid stupid arguments, whenever possible.

It's worked well for many years . We're up to 18,000 members and a healthy but manageable number of daily postings so we're pleased. We're also very appreciative of members who enjoy the website as much as us Mustang Works 'veterans' still do.

Thanks to everyone for your positive comments.

joe4speed 03-16-2002 11:26 AM

I agree, This is the best in my opinion! The Corral is ok, but you're right about losing posts fast! I've never been to any other site. Don't ever plan to, either! :)

fordkid68 03-16-2002 11:55 AM

yea this is by fare the best mustang site. I'LL have to admit it took me awhile to find it and I had allmost given up on looking cause all the other mustang sites just didn't seem dedicated to mustangs for some reason.but I am glad I didn't give up to soon.

keep up the good work.

ford kid

shadowblue89 03-16-2002 12:10 PM

I have to agree also. Even though I don't go out on the web as much as i used to. This is still the ONLY mustang site I visit unless i am looking in the parts for sale.

mean81GT 03-16-2002 03:11 PM

i have to agree with everyone that this is the best MUSTANG site, but in my case, i need alot of turbo advice, and for that i have to go elsewhere. ;)

Skyman 03-16-2002 03:26 PM

Mustangworks #1

Just like my high school English teacher used to say:

Its not quantity, its quality!


drudis 03-17-2002 09:42 AM


When I want a _real_ answer, I post here. Thanks guys!

84LX89GT 03-18-2002 01:32 AM

Mustangworks is hands down my favorite mustang site PERIOD. In fact Mustangworks is my start page on my browser :D . People here are friendly, helpful and the moderators do an awesome job sorting things about and ending flame wars. I never have found that on any other mustang site and that's why i like this site. I'd consider this more of a mustang community than just a mustang web site.

1BAD89 03-18-2002 07:32 PM

Everyone is right in saying that it is the best Mustang site on the net period. But it's also great site all around. :)

88COBRA 03-19-2002 03:43 PM

MustangWorks was the first mustang site I joined, I really like the users here.

That being said, I did start my own site, and I spend most of my time on there :p

I am a 98% Corral user. If you need help quickly there are always about 800 users that will give you a hand. Yes the posts go quick, but you just have to keep up. The technical information on Corral is amazing, if you have a problem and search their board, you usually find an answer. Allot of the time I do not even need to post to find a answer. They are also growing at an amazing pace, they will have over 30,000 users very soon.

Now my opinion:

Why the heck do the sites compete with others. I think it is very dumb! Each site has its uses and special features. I think anyone that says they do not browse other site is full of ****. I hate when users on one board bad mouth another board, yes it is ok to say you like one better then the other, but comments like "Mustangworld sucks!" or "MustangWorks is ugly" really bugs me! I always make a point of asking that user why they feel that way?

I have learned more from the Corral during the winter then I learned in one year browsing other sites.

Now, all of this is my opinion, and mine alone! I visit every Mustang site every day, and I use Corral for about 1-2 hrs. You also must put yourself in my shoes, I just started a new site, and I need new members, how do you get members? By posting your *** off on the busiest board on the net!


Mr 5 0 03-19-2002 04:32 PM


My response is simple: quality vs quanity.

Corral and the other sites do have a lot of members for what that's worth but a frantically- paced board system with a ton of flames and arguments and useless posts to wade through before finding something useful doesn't work well for everyone, which is why we have various Mustang websites. No one-size-fits-all, which is why we have dozens of car companies out there too, making similar vehicles but each with it's own advantages and following. It's freedom of choice and the free market at work.

You said that you post like crazy on Corral mostly to advertise your own site. A bit of self-interest there that seems to contradict your assertion that the various Mustang websites shouldn't compete with each other.

You are, and you use other site's message boards to advertise your own site. At least you're up front about it but still, you're offering the public yet another Mustang website and you claim that they all should join together. Doesn't make sense to me.

Mustang Works offers a variety of features including a Female Mustanger section hosted by Nicolle Douglas. We believe we have a fun, friendly, useful and informative website but we also realize that we aren't the only game in town. That's fine, as long as we get our share of the Mustang owners to visit and participate with us, we're pleased, although we naturally believe we're superior to the other, bigger and more frantic 'Stang sites.

Good luck with your site but please don't post here just to gain free advertising. That's tacky and we don't appreciate it, as you can imagine.

Thanks for the comments.

88COBRA 03-19-2002 07:11 PM

Mr 5.0:

As usual a very well written response.

I am sorry if I was not clear. I do not post topics such as "Come visit STANGPOWER.COM!!" or anything like that. I post and reply to any topics where I feel my thoughts or opinions belong. I do not post in threads I do not know about just to advertise. I only advertise by my signature. Maybe some users will see my sig and feel like joining my site to ask me questions, follow the progress of my car ect... I also organize group purchases for Corral members which link to my site, I tried to post on some other sites (such as Mustang Works) and my thread was deleted, my concerns ignored. That made me quite angry, as you may or may not know, to organize GPs you have to make no money, and you must have nothing to gain. I feel GPs are just a great way for my fellow stangers to get great deals. Some mustang sites, Mustang Works was not the only one, frown upon this. Corral welcomes them with open arms, and so I take allot of my posts over there.

As for my site, I completely understand your point of view. I just said above that we have too many stang sites, but yet I start my own?? Well the original purpose of my site was to host the message board for my local Mustang club. That grew into a little Canadian site, now it is a world wide site, and I am working on it all the time. The hits are climbing, the sponsors are just pooring in, and quite honestly it makes me feel good :) I am only 20 years old, and I have a website that gets 7000 hits a day, and I have BIG companies calling me asking if I would like to review their products. My site will grow, and continue to grow, will I be as big as Corral, or Mustang Works? NO way! I am very late in the game, but I am honestly doing it for the learning experience and as I said I really enjoy it.

Back to the Corral for a minute. I understand that you really have to keep up with that board. On MustangWorks I can actually get a drink before my topic is on the 5th page. In my experience, even though your topic is on the 5th page, there have been at least 5-10 replies. I personally really like that. I like the fast paced environment of the Corral. The flames have really died down in the last couple of months. The moderators are doing a very good job!

As you said, there is no one mustang site. As I stated I visit every mustang site every day. I feel that we should all get along. I should be able to link to MustangWorks, and MustangWorks should be able to link to Corral. I replied to a post today on Corral because I felt I could help. I came over to MustangWorks to use the Fuel System analyzer and I pasted the results. At the end of the thread I said "Thanks to Mustang Works" Well let me tell you, I received 5 e-mails telling me not to do that, I mean that is just dumb. And one of the members replied with "The MustangWorks fuel analyzer sucks" As I said comments like that make me mad! If you do not like it, just reply with that, there is no need to knock the site.

All this being said, will I leave MustangWorks? NO, I enjoy it here, yes I spend most of my time over at Corral, but who cares?

As Jack said in Mars attacks:


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