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silverv6 04-12-2002 03:17 AM

Do you listen to Howard Stern or watch the show
I like to listen to the show live. and sometimes watch the show I think he's cool

PKRWUD 04-12-2002 03:26 AM

My answer is sometimes, but since that wasn't a choice, I selected yes. When I get home from the track late Saturday night, his show is pretty much the only thing on TV, so I'll turn it on while eating a late dinner. Other than that, I don't watch/listen anymore. He was funny for a few months several years ago, but it's boring to me now. It's always the same. You could tape two or three shows, and play them over and over, changing a few names, and no one would know the difference, IMO.

Who knows, maybe I just outgrew him, but he pretty much just bores me now. That's just me, though.

Take care,

andy669 04-12-2002 07:54 AM

Stern used to be syndicated here until a bunch of Nazi's called Cumulus Media took over the station that he was on.

His morning show rules!! The TV show however, doesnt do it for me anymore. That and the time its on conflicts with SportsCenter.

Having said that, I had to vote no. If he were still on the radio here I would listen though.


Mr 5 0 04-12-2002 08:37 AM

Howard Stern
Howard Stern has been on morning radio in New York City forever (over 20 years) and I stopped listening a long time ago. Same with the TV show.

What is he, about 60 by now? What's with the 70's rock-star hair and the John Lennon shades? Is that supposed to be cool? Er, O.K., maybe in 1975.

He's smarmy, juvenile and not that funny anymore, unless you're 12, just discovered sex, think nasty put-downs are hilarious and being crude every minute can pass for actual wit.

As Chris said, watch one Howard Stern TV show and you've seen every Howard Stern TV show. The radio gig isn't much different. No originality. Been there, done that but I suppose if you've not seen Howard Stern he seems daring. Wait a week, he'll get boring real quick.

Crazy Horse GT 04-12-2002 09:59 AM

mr 5.0 hit it on the head,howie is a smart a-- who think's he is the only bright human in the world,yeah right, i listen to lex & terry out of jacksonville fla, they come up with some great & funny thing's, fla peeps? can i get a witness?;) :D

hillie16 04-12-2002 01:02 PM

I listen to it in the morning at work on the radio, driving around in the car it keeps me occupied. I don't even like the bits they do and that kind of stuff that much, I just like when they are ripping on each other and the goofy things they say to people who call in. It's is very juvenile, but I think that is one of the reasons I like it, a break from all the serious stuff involved with my job.

Stangrrr 04-12-2002 04:14 PM

They also took him off the air up here in Toronto, so I can't even listen to him if I choose to... :mad:

I used to listen in the car on the way to work & in the shop in the mornings. I think he's hilarious, most of the time.

69fastback 04-13-2002 02:55 PM

hey i used to listen to lex and terry. I used to pick the up on the radio when i was stationed in GA. I thought they where pretty funny. Out here in kansas i get Bob and Tom those guys are pretty good too. I think there show is national :confused:

04-13-2002 06:26 PM

I've seen his show

Howard Stern in my opinion,is the classic example of a guy who has no respect for women,therefore I have no respect for him.

RAGE_5.0 04-13-2002 09:59 PM

I listen to Drew and Mike outta Detroit.
check out sometime in the morning
u can listen to them online and i thnik they re hilarious

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