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RED92LX50 05-24-2002 12:59 PM

Kitty for PKRWUD
I know you visit the Corral sometimes... but I didn't want you to miss this!

The white one looks fake, but that big Tabby is ALL REAL!

Weird, replace ******** with corral(dot)net

PKRWUD 05-24-2002 01:03 PM


PKRWUD 05-24-2002 01:10 PM

I found it :) ! Thanks.

That is one fat cat. I love cats more than people (with maybe two exceptions), but I feel for that one. His family should be shot. I'm dealing with a diabetic cat now, and that's exactly where that one is headed, provided it doesn't die on the crapper first.

Cute, but ugly at the same time. Thanks though!

Take care,

joe4speed 05-24-2002 01:15 PM

Wow.... i feel bad for that cat!

RED92LX50 05-24-2002 01:28 PM

Yeah, I was thinking about that thread where people were asking if you would slam on your brakes to avoid a cat and risk getting rear-ended...that is one cat you BETTER stop for!

Topless In Texas 05-24-2002 04:58 PM

The link would not open for me.....:( TNT

fiveohpatrol 05-25-2002 12:35 AM

hey, for some reason, when i tried to post a link to it, it just came up with a bunck of asterisks where *********** should be.

We aren't blocked from typing the words *********** like curse words are we?
anyway, just copy and paste this into your browser without the { and }


fiveohpatrol 05-25-2002 12:45 AM

man i don't ******* believe this.
We all know that the corral is a competitor of mustangworks, but to block a link to their site is unbelievable. They often have very useful information over there and blocking our users from accessing it from here is just bull$hit IMO.

you see all the *'s just replace them with the site that starts with a 'C' and ends with a ''

This is the first time I've been disappointed in this site, hopefully theres not more of this crap to come:rolleyes:

joe4speed 05-25-2002 07:45 AM


Originally posted by fiveohpatrol
man i don't ******* believe this.
We all know that the corral is a competitor of mustangworks, but to block a link to their site is unbelievable. They often have very useful information over there and blocking our users from accessing it from here is just bull$hit IMO.

I was bummed the first time I tried to link it too... :(

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