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Old 02-25-2005, 09:41 PM   #15
Unit 5302
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Default Re: Recent Mustang Accident - Need an Estimate...

Originally Posted by 2001GTPEWTER
You hit a deer...Ha Ha Ha Ha how freakin funny is that. No you know what gave me my exhaust, a new fog light, and I might get my new tires from them. They're work out of Harrisburg PA, I actually deliver a lot of their stuff thru FedEx.
It's not funny.

Deer are extremely dangerous road hazards that can kill you, even when you're in your car. They sometimes jump before you impact them, resulting in them coming right through the windshield. They're very susceptable to "spotting" like many wild animals. They freeze when a bright light is shined into their eyes (i.e. headlights) and they often literally run out just a few feet in front of your car or even directly into the side of it. While they may not weigh much, I assure you, hitting a 100lb+ animal at almost any speed does a lot of damage. I've nearly hit deer dozens if not hundreds of times in Minnesota. In many states, it's the same problem. People build houses in suburbs, concentrating the deer population increasing the likelyhood they will cross roads in search for food. Hunting is almost always banned in suburban communities, and large predators are killed due to the danger they prove to children and even adults. That leaves the deer with no natural predators, and populations often skyrocket as the deer feed off local farm crops. Also, there are a lot of people that refuse to allow controlled extermination of the nuisance because they don't want to kill "bambi."

According to the Insurance Information Institute over half a million car accidents involving deer occur ANNUALLY with over 100 people killed, and an average repair bill of $2,000.00.
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