Thread: Tanning?
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Old 01-28-2002, 04:33 PM   #1
Yay for Chickys
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Default Tanning?

I posted this over in the FP forum, but I decided to also post here since tanning is a more unisex hobby nowadays

I was wondering if any of yall tan (indoor tanning bed of course) on a regular basis, and if anyone knows the medically documented long term effects. I used to tan regularly, but haven't in a year because I am worried that my skin will age prematurely and I'll get all wrinkly. I have some burn and physical trauma scars that I am VERY self conscious about, and now that I am getting very pale again, I have been thinking about hitting the beds again because they are becoming more and more visible.

I hear from tanning articles that they paste up on the walls at the salon that as long as you do not burn, and properly moisturize the skin before and after tanning, its better to tan indoors because you can control the exposure time. Then I hear from my mother that I'm going to be burnt to a crisp by the time I'm 40...who's right?

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