Thread: Life
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Old 05-18-2004, 10:12 PM   #1
Huh? Whatcha said?
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Default Life

Is there life on other planets?

Seems like a simple question, right? Looks are very decieving.

What constitutes life? How would you know it even if you saw it?

If there is life on another planet, did God create it? If a living thing on another planet dies, does it go to heaven?

If God didn't create life on any other planet, yet it exists, and someone visits that planet an dies, do they go to heaven/hell?

Do single celled organisms go to heaven? If they do, then by default, won't some go to hell?

My head hurts.
2003 GT White---STOLEN
May you burn in hell whoever took it. Dumbazz didn't even get the good engine that was in the garage.
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