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Old 05-26-2004, 04:45 PM   #17
Mr 5 0
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Lightbulb The Bible

Originally posted by bigwhitecobra :

To get a better explaination of what I am talking about, explain EXACTLY what you did today. To the letter. I know I can't. I don't think anyone can. So how can someone else wring EXACTLY what you did, with out leaving something out or embelishing something to compensate for what you forgot.

Thats all I was trying to get across. Nothing more.
I have two points. First: The Old Testament, which is historical in nature and prepares us for the arrival of Jesus on earth was often written as it happened and while not scientifically verifiable, it contains many instances of God interacting with various people, personally. Talking to them in some form or another. Giving them instructions (Moses) or otherwise dealing personally with them. The Gospels, part of the New Testament that Christianity is founded on, were written by four different disciples and give very similar accounts of Jesus' ministry, death and resurrection - but from different perspectives. They were there and I doubt they 'forgot' their experience with the Son of God just a few years later. Other books of the NT are also personal letters written by Paul, Peter, John, etc. They certainly knew of what they were writing.

Secondly (and most important): God inspired and directed the complication of the bible. He is infallible (or he wouldn't be God). He did not depend on the feeble memories and recording abilities of mortal men - He inspired them, guided them, whether they realized it or not at the time. That understood, I have never believed that He would allow any mortal man to change, distort or otherwise lie to mankind for 2,000 years in God's name. That would be ridiculous. As Christianity is based wholly on the bible, to claim it's wrong, a lie, distorted or even, simply 'inaccurate' would render it useless as a basis for what you and I believe and make our faith totally pointless and empty. It is clearly not. While the bible has been attacked and picked apart by many men for centuries it stands as God intended: His Word. God's 'instruction book' for how to know Him, find salvation and live a life that God approves of while looking forward to eternal life with Him.

I love my God. I try to do the best I can to live right y Him. Everyone has thier own relationship with Him and thier own ideas of what kind of relationship that should be. I hope that made sense. If not I'll try to do better.

Anyway, I see where you are coming from and I agree to a certain extent. But I don't feel like typing anymore. I am one tired puppy.

I'll post tomorrow. Later.
I look forward to it.
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