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Old 12-18-2001, 01:43 AM   #29
Yay for Chickys
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 1,532

Originally posted by Mach 1

...make yourself appear to be not that interested in her.

The more you act like you just dont care what happens with her, the more she will find you attractive.

And NEVER wear your heart on your sleeve around a new woman you just met. She'll think your an emotional wreck(which at this point you are anyway). Just play it cool, stay your distance, and she will start looking for you. You wont have to look for her.
Wow. That's really bad advice. If I met some dude that didn't seem to care about me, I'd drop MY interest in less than .01 seconds. We don't want those silly little kid games, at least a good woman doesnt (maybe you like the immature ones ). If you like us, SHOW US, but don't scare us. Meaning...part of what you said is right: Be Yourself! Telling him to play it cool is NOT being himself.

However, its good with either gender to wait to get to know them to start having deep emotional talks. No sense in starting that stuff if you aren't sure you want a committed relationship with them. But, if you want to play the silly "I'm not interested" game, don't be heartbroken if she moves on to some other guy that pays attention to her
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