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Old 12-18-2001, 02:04 AM   #31
The Redneck James Bond
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Okay, how about if I dont worry about it till Next Saturday, and just drink a A$$ load of beer till then? That sounds good to me, let me go grab a cold one.

Thank you all for your advice, I appreciate the thought and care. I'm glad you all would like to see me succeed.

I plan on bieng myself, While I'm not going to drool or cling on to this girl from the start, or talk about real intimate matters of the heart from the get go, I will do what my heart feels.

If my heart feels like giving this girl a red rose, then I will do it. Yellow Rose's are not me, Red is a trade mark of mine. Everything from Red Cars, to Red envelopes, to red shirts, to red underwear, to red flowers.

I personally dont think a flower would be a key factor in scaring someone away. It never has for me yet. I think what is way more important is how you carry yourself, not what kind of flower you give.

I'm not going to wear anything fancy, just something a little better than a greasy old Ford T-shirt, and Grease stained, old Blue Jeans with small holes in them.

The reason I'd wear cologne is to try to cover up the smell of cigarette smoke (Since I smoke like a chimney.) Other than that, I'd be 100 percent myself. I usually say what on my mind, and I will not change that. If the girl likes me for who I am then good. I'm not going to try to sensor what I say, or how I feel just to make someone like me.

Once again, thank you all for the advice and your views. I appreciate them, and am glad to get more insight, hey every little bit learned helps.
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