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Old 01-03-2002, 02:02 PM   #121
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Location: Ventura, California
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You guys would LOVE Southern California and all she has to offer!!! Besides, that's the only way I could make it. Our racing season this year is going to be twice as tough as it was last year because we are the defending champions. I'm already commited for nearly every weekend from March through November, and won't have but maybe two free weekends during that time. I also have a business to run, bills to pay and customers who depend on me. Right now is my "summer vacation" time. Starting the end of February, I'll pretty much be busy 7 days a week until Thanksgiving. I love you all like family, but my business and my team are my top two priorities, because they have to be. Even Vegas would be difficult. It would have to be a weekend we aren't racing, and when I wasn't backed up with work. Even then, I would have to head back home the next day. I'm not ruling it out, but realistically the odds look pretty slim. Keep me posted as you all make decisions.

Take care,
Rice Haters Club
Jim Porter Racing
Peckerwoods Pit Stop

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