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Old 03-21-2002, 07:26 PM   #21
Yay for Chickys
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Originally posted by kiku2sleep

I think you take that quote to seriously. I use that quote all the time
Well, I was just saying that I think its silly to have a formulated theory about personal priorities. I've met too many crappy people in my life, and consequently it hasn't been a hard choice as to who to choose

Also, I've never taken it personally when a friend finds a mate. I get mad if they make plans with me. THEN cancel. But if they just are spending more time with their S.O. instead of me, I'm happy that they've found someone worth hanging around I'm not going to be all angry with them. Its hard to find someone you really like

Lastly, the true friends I have (the only ones I'd think of factoring into that intelligent motto ) I'd hope would be honest with me if me dating their ex would bother them. I always try to tell my friends exactly how I feel, and I expect the same.

I wish you the best of luck Pony, I think you've made the right decision
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