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Old 04-11-2002, 07:23 PM   #3
Mr 5 0
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Angry Communist News Network


I share your frustration at the biased 'reporting' found on CNN and the networks, as well as their cable offshoots like MSNBC.

These networks are clearly biased and often borderline anti-American; certainly anti-Republican. What a war. We can pick and choose when to support it and often see the terrorists as sympathetic, as in the story you recounted for us.

Some good news; FOX.

The FOX News Network is killing CNN in the ratings (even though it's seen in 9 million less homes). It's often called 'conservative' but in reality it's so much closer to being 'Fair and Balanced' (FOX's trademark) than CNN and the others that it simply appears to be to the political right.

I love Bill O'Reilly (8 pm) and FOX's news coverage really is generally balanced and certainly not anti-American as is CNN's liberal twaddle.

Like you, I'm weary of leftist 'news' networks giving the liberal slant to everything they report, while always trying to find something, anything, wrong with America and how we conduct our war on terrorism.

Forget these old, discredited lefties and watch FOX, or just turn off the TV and get your news from the internet (which I often do when I'm too busy for TV). Either way, you'll feel better, guaranteed.
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