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Old 04-11-2002, 09:44 PM   #5
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I know what it's like to be in that situation, and it sucks. There is nothing worse than a Liberal outsider telling you how you should be doing your job when they have never been there.

I work in a maximum security prison as an officer. I have worked the RHU (Restricted Housing Unit), often referred to as "the hole". One of our jobs is to inprocess inmates into the hole for various rule infractions. This inprocessing also includes a strip search to insure the inmate has no contraband (drugs, weapons, etc).

I have seen/been part of some pretty violent skirmishes. There is nothing like a 250 pound gorilla that just ate a huge retard sandwich right before being uncuffed. I'm talking about someone doing a double or triple life sentence with nothing to lose by going apes**t on you. Not fun.

Anyway, about 4 years ago our institution was the subject of a Liberal witch hunt. The OPR (Office of Professional Responsibility) came into our jail to investigate allegations of abuse. Every inprocessing we do is video taped, so we had no worries. A lot of people were found guilty of abuse. Some were fired, some received suspensions without pay for legnths of time ranging from three to fifteen days. None deserved it. Everyone who was disiplined appealed the decision and got their time, money, and in some cases, their job back. One guy showed me a check for over six thousand dollars that the state reimbursed him for legal fees. He had to sue to keep his job.

Even though the courts and Civil Service Commission both agreed that the officers were wrongly punished there is now a stigma over our institution. When I talk to people who have never been inside a jail they ask two questions; "What kind of gun do you carry?" and "How often do you beat them?" We don't carry any weapons and we never beat them. Movies like 'The Shawshank Redemption' really give us a bad reputation. Life inside is really closer to the movie 'The Green Mile', but without the sci-fi stuff.

I know how those men in the article feel. I know what it's like to be given a shitty job, and then have a Liberal question how I do it. I know exactly what it's like to be at the center of a biased media.

Don't judge me and the job I do until you've walked the tiers with me. I feel for those men because I've walked those tiers.
I'm sofa king we tall did.
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