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Old 07-02-2002, 04:09 PM   #38
Mr 5 0
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Lightbulb God and the Pledge

Originally posted by PKRWUD

What is all this "politically correct" and "liberal" crap. Talk about crybabies! The plain and simple fact is that it should not have been altered in the first place, PERIOD. This is so simple, yet there are so many that just seem to want to complicate it for their own personal agenda. This is why I didn't want to participate in this thread in the first place, and why I shouldn't have.
Way too late now, Chris. You've made your statements, now we'll discuss them.

What jimberg posted was correct. The separation of church and state issue is a red herring in this instance. The Pledge of Allegiance is a totally voluntary action that any child may opt out of.

That Congress added 'Under God' in 1954 is a fact and was not a 'mistake' but reflected the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, where it was and is clearly stated that our rights come not from the State but from God, The Creator, Providence if you will.

America is a country founded 'under God'. Stating this in a voluntary pledge of Allegiance makes sense and is certainly in no way a 'religious' exercise or remotely an 'establishment of religion'. This should be clear, even to some liberal whacko Judge in San Francisco.

The liberal and PC references allude to the attempts of the ACLU and atheist groups to purge the word 'God' from every public utterance any place that a tax dollar contribued to. If there is any 'whining' going on here, it's from the tiny minority that demand things be the way they say it should be to better comfort their atheism and often very liberal, socialist concepts of America not shared by most citizens.

These folks mangle the Constitution, twisting simple words and phrases into meanings they never had and that the founders would be saddened to see and many people are sick and tired of it.

I don't give a rap about anyone's religion or lack of same but when they begin to infringe on my child's right to utter the passive words Under God in the Pledge of Allegiance in school, I get annoyed and so did a few hundred million Americans.

The complaint is bogus and the ruling will be overturned. Those who have problems with religion, churches and God can work that out another way but American society - already very secular - does not need to conform to their will simply because hearing - just hearing mind you - never mind saying - the word God 'offends' them.

Enough is enough.

It's that simple.
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