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Old 07-03-2002, 01:55 PM   #75
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And as far as the the first amendment goes, it depends on what "establish", "religion", and "free" mean. I suppose congress could legislate new meanings to those words and then strip us of those freedoms completely like they are doing with the second amendment. The fact is, though, that the founders knew exactly what those words meant which is why they used them. A clock that keeps accurate time is a well-regulated clock. You can find an example of the term being used in the Federalist papers.

Federalist 29
To oblige the great body of the yeomanry, and of the other classes of the citizens, to be under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and evolutions, as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well-regulated militia, would be a real grievance to the people, and a serious public inconvenience and loss.
Degree of perfection goes hand-in-hand with well-regulated. And as far as the sentence is structured, "A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", it is clear that the first part will be achieved by the second part being enforced. The first part by no means limits the second.
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