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Old 08-04-2002, 05:01 PM   #1
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Default Your prayers are need. My lil brother in critical condition

At about 12:45 Sat. afternoon, my little brother was in a major accident. He struck a telephone pole at about 50-60mph. It took them an hour to cut him out. But as they put him in the ambulence the gave my dad the thumbs up. We rushed to the hospital and for a while thought he just had a broke leg. But the doctor told us that the left side of his brain was hemoraging. He had to be flown to the hospital in Jackson about 80 mile away. They told us the helecoper was on the way, so we went ahead and left. We beat the mother F'in chopper there, WTF . It had to fly from Jackson to Merdian then back to Jackson, we were there a good 15min before the chopper. They did surgery for about 2-3 hours....I'm not even sure, it's like time was flying by and standing still at the same time. The doctor came in and told us than he had maybe a 50/50 chance. There is a scale for his type of brain injury 15-3, 15 being the best......he was a 4 when he got there. THe doctor says the next 5 days will be critical as his brain will continue to swell. He will get worst before he gets better......if he gets better. They did a cat scan today and found that some portions of his brain, the ones that control speach and motor skills, were basicly dead. So even if he survives I'm not sure if we'll get our Matt back. I can home this afternoon(Sun) to get some more clothes, plus I just can't stand to see him there. They have him parilized with medication, so he's on a resparator. I feel so sorry for my Dad, he's try to be strong but he's painfully obvious as to how much pain he's in.........I just don't know what to do. I've been to hospitals before and seen people in the beds, but it's never been MY little brother hooked up to all those tubes.

I just don't know what to do.......I having a hard time taking this all in. It's like it's not really happening. We keep hoping for good news but we keep gettin bad and the doctor says the prognosis is poor. I would just like to ask that the prayers of all you MustangWorkers go out to my little brother Matthew as he goes through this ordeal. I guess right now all we can do is pray and wait.

Prayin hard,
Josh, aka the tireburner
1987 Buick T-type

1998 HD Electra Elide
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