Thread: Vin Diesel
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Old 08-07-2002, 09:37 AM   #68
Mr 5 0
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Lightbulb Homosexuality


Where to begin?

It's painfully obvious that your brothers homosexuality has deeply affected your attitude toward any negative comments directed at homosexuals. That's understandable and I can sympathize with it. Your utter defensiveness is a bit overblown, but the source explains the reaction.

Your contention that homosexual 'extremists' don't represent all homosexuals has one problem; why don't 'all' homosexuals denounce them? They don't because they are all part of the same 'community' and the extremists are the front men that do the heavy lifting for the 'community'. I've never heard a homosexual say that guys in drag marching in 'Gay Pride' parades don't represent them.
Your hysterical accusations about my living in the bible belt are as foolish as they are wrong. Connecticut is in New England and as a well-traveled man, you should know that. CT is one of the most liberal states in the country. Joe Lieberman, 2000 Vice Presidential candidate is our Senator. Get a few facts straight.

Yes, I'm a Christian, and this seems to instantly enrage many homosexuals and atheists, but that doesn't change facts or realities and your smarmy attempt to invalidate anything I may state about homosexuality as being 'hate speech' is a fraud. This is a favorite tactic of the homo lobby. When an unpleasant fact arises, just scream 'HATE!' loudly and shout down the opponent. You learned well. Attacking a mans faith is another tactic I see you use with aplomb. You even have a friend here who joins in the fun.

Can you say 'hypocrite'? I'll bet you can.

You go ballistic defending homosexuals (which you claim not to be defending) and hysterically accuse me of 'hate speech' then ridicule my religion, babble on about the 'bible belt' and attempt to make me some sort of fanatic who gets his information from some religious group. My! What happened to your vaunted tolerance? Kind of went away when your brothers sexual orientation was chided by a few members on this board, didn't it? The word 'Fag' got you all upset, didn't it? So much for tolerance. To homos and those who support them, tolerance is a one-way street and you've neatly proven that here.

I've had these internet discussions regarding homosexuality before, Nathan. I know all the tactics. You cannot prove that homosexuality is genetic or otherwise natural in any way and we all know it. You can quote 'university studies' until we all fall asleep but nothing can be proven. Science doesn't know why some males prefer other males but childhood experiences, lack of a father or a strong father-figure are a few reasons often given. Your attempt to insist on 'proof' of why homosexuals are attracted to other men is a typical attempt to get us all bogged down in nit-picking arguments where we quote 'studies' back and forth to each other and play 'dueling scientists'. Bottom line: Who knows? You certainly don't. While sodomy may be called 'natural to homosexuals', it isn't and we don't need a university course to know that, do we, Nathan? Really.

Your apparent deep concern over 'slurs' directed at homosexuals is valid but somewhat overdone here. We have a right to an opinion, as do you. 'Fag' doesn't equate to the 'N-word' being used against a black person and the usual homosexual tactic is to pretend that it does and use it as an example of 'hate'. BS and we all know it. Homosexuals routinely call themselves 'Queer'. Your resentments of these terms are out of place but you're welcome to them. If any homosexuals are on this forum, they can respond or not. I haven't seen any, have you? I doubt it's 'fear' that causes the silence. This is an internet board, we're mostly anonymous here. You're the only one getting hysterical and angry, throwing the 'hate' label around and accusing me of all kinds of 'bible-belt' misinformation. Calm down and take a deep breath.

I understand that your brother's homosexuality has heightened your sensitivity to the issue and you are super-sensitivite about perceived slurs against someone you love who is homosexual. That doesn't mean that no one can use a word you don't like to describe homosexuals and homosexual acts on this board. We don't encourage it but unless it's personal, we don't ban it, if not overdone.

You have drawn attention to it, not us. You have made the use of a word or two that upsets you an 'issue' and have used your own intolerance to attack me and others who don't share your sensitivity toward homosexuals. You use the dreaded 'Hate' word to justify your complaints, then accuse me of being a religious fanatic and worse. For a well-traveled, mature guy, you slip into the name-calling mode rather easily when your buttons are pushed, as they were when someone made fun of homosexuals here.

I don't know what to tell you, Nathan. This a Mustang board, this forum is for off-topic issues, as you noted. We say what we want, for the most part. Some think this Vin Diesel guy is gay and they make fun of it, because he's so 'tough' onscreen. You chose to make that a big issue and chide us for doing it. My response got you hysterical and somewhat angry and now we're still at it, with the help of a few others. I suggest that you let it go.

You've stated your opinion, I stated mine, as have many others. I won't get into a flame war here, as some have already accused of doing. Heated debate is not a flame war. Mindless name-calling is a flame war. Your position on homosexuals is clear. You have great sympathy for them and consider them a minority that is in constant danger of being oppressed by words like 'fag'. I think that's absurd and a tactic used by homosexuals to play victim and elevate their choices to some sort of ultra-protected status in society. I refuse to do that.

This site is generally tolerant in the traditional sense. If you don't find it so, I'm sorry but people differ and some issues, like homosexuality are divisive. So be it.
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