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Old 08-07-2002, 12:59 PM   #89
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Homosexuality

Originally posted by StreetPony

especially when what he tells me directly parallels what i already knew. again, i should have realized that you would know him better than i.

of course you would share most of the same views, you are brothers...and im not saying i know your brother better than you do...find where i actually said that i know your brother better than you...just because your brother tells you something, doesnt make it me on this one...i as well do have 2 close brothers....and they can sincerely believe as much as they want, but sometimesthey are still not right...doesnt mean i probably wouldnt back them up though...

lol......there are just as many today, only now they have to hide from people who ridicule them.

thats true that they have to, but i was accounting for those estimated numbers...

not only can you speak for my brother, not only can you speak for gays everywhere, now you can speak for men who have been dead for centuries?

im speaking on my behalf of what i believe...ive studied history and french history...and the way these people thought was obviously different from today...they would not be "blaming or excusing" their habits, merely saying that they prefer it...nowadays homosexuality is frowned upon so they need to change their "blaming or excusing" on something beyond their control to try and limit the amount of reaction to them... cant possibly be trying to compare a choice in fads with core sexual preference. im just not into big women but i would prefer a 600 pound woman to the best looking man you could find. sorry, your theorys just dont hold up.

its not a fad, its a sexual preference...the majority prefers a slimmer woman to a larger woman, and a larger woman to a man (well put btw)

what? i am born with 2 legs but that does not mean it is my "fate". you are confusing "fate" with human nature.

how can you actually sit there and compare apples with oranges? when you are born and are homosexual you dont have a physical "H" imprinted on your forehead (if you are born homosexual)..of course you are going to have two legs when you are born, but you are not definetly going to enjoy the company of men, of course you will have two eyes when you are born, but you are not definetly going to enjoy the game of croquet...a baby doesnt understand will chew on the a baby doesnt understand sexual are you born with something and dont understand it? that should mean that you have developed that skill or learned/experienced something new that you like....i cant remember before the age of 6, most dont remember past 4....because most human beings arent developed enough to remember at that age....te only things they remember are things that have been constantly pressed on by his/her parents...repetition is the only way to make a baby learn something, its like teaching a dog a trick...they arent as smart as i dont understand how if babies are basically unintelligent how they could realize that they were just born into a world where they like males more than females? the only things that affect you when you are young are can be born with downs syndrome....not with homosexual tendencies....

yes, you did. you say i am wrong, that he was not born gay, and that he is gay because he chooses to be. that to me says you know him better than i. it also implies he is lying to me about being born gay.

that doesnt mean i know what his favorite color is, using your brother as a generality...i never said he was lying or that he chose to be homosexual..he may believe it with a passion taht he was born gay because he always remembers liking men...but memories get clogged as you get remember less and less back, so he could be confused and both of you could have forgetten something, or just convinced yourselves of it years ago...youd be surprised what people can lock away and actually make themselves forget in stressful situations, and especially if you have served in the military and seen horrific scenes like you discussed earlier, then how can you be 100% sure about your childhood when you are trying to block out mental pictures that get in the way?

but that has nothing to do with sexual attraction. your examples are based in behavior. homosexuality is a natural tendency for some.

and hating people can be a natural tendency for some, look at those children over in the middle east who absolutely hate the united states...they think they were born to hate us....

but sexual activity is a behavior....its all in the same category, you cannot discuss homosexuality as being something you are born into without saying that whose who practice beastiality (as gross as THAT is) werent born into that preference....
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