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Old 08-25-2002, 02:30 PM   #52
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You know Kell, you are very convincing untill I catch you in a flat out lie, or proof that you are truly clueless when it comes to Macs, I'm not sure which.

You have some serious issues, Kell. In many respects, you are wise beyond your years, but when it comes to seeing the world as anything other than black and white, you are still very juvenile.

This arguement means so much to you that you twist what I've said, lie about facts and history, and base an entire operating systems stability on a 20 year old living in Ojai.

The sad part is that this is an argument you cant win, which I know you can't even concieve, but oh well.

I have not lied once, Kell. I don't need to.

Your "facts" are nothing more than YOUR personal opinions based entirely in ignorance. Macs can't multitask. LOL! I can do more on my G4 simulteanously than you can dream of on your box. You should become more familiar with something before you make a fool out of yourself criticizing it for faults it doesn't have.

God herself (I know, your agnostic) could stand in your face and tell you Macs were better, and you'd start on a rant again. I don't need this. You seem to thrive on it. Have fun playing with yourself, Kell. I'm not going take part in this with an uneducated man.

Take care,
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