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Old 10-03-2002, 12:23 PM   #6
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The ant works hard in the low heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. Unfortunately he's taxed half of what he does. If he tries to work longer each day, the government, just taxes him even more.

The grasshopper thinks the ant's a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. He pays no taxes and gets free food and housing from Unimployment Insurance. Come winter, the ant runs out of food because he was taxed so much he couldn't save enough for the entire winter. He calls the Government Unemployment office to see if he can get some of the freebee's that the greasshopper got.

Unfortunately the Government puts up lots of red tape and the ant and will not get any support for several weeks.

The Grasshopper on the other hand is doing quite well. His Unemployment has expired, but Welfare has now kicked in. Luckily for him, welfare pays better than most low paying jobs.

The Grasshopper continues to eat lavishly and becomes quite fat over the winter.

The poor ant trying to make enough money to buy food starts a business selling acorns to squirrels. Unfortunately he did not put his signs both in English and French so the government fines him and since he can't pay goes to prison.

The Grasshopper in the mean time developes a horrible illness from lack of excersise and over eating. He goes to the hospital to get free medical help, but has to get in a long line because the same thing has happened to all the other grasshoppers. While standing in line talking about all the free welfare money they get, our grasshopper dies from lack of treatment.

The ant just gets out of prison, but is told that because the health care system needs more money to heal all the fat, unemployed grasshoppers, he has to go back to work right away and at the same time they are going to increase his taxes to 60% and impose an additional 7% Goods and Service Tax on everything he buys, this would be in addition to the 8% Provincial Sales tax he already pays.

The any says screw this I'm moving south of the boarder, I'd rather put up with Spiders
1995 Mustang GT

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